"Do everything you want to me, except that. You know how I despise it so much." She exageratedly groaned at the last part of her sentence and rolled her eyes on me, as she finally give up on trying to make me change my mind.

I laughed to lighten her now upset mood. "Anything?" I asked with a cheeky smile.

"Yes. Just don't tickle me."

"Fine!" I chimed while grabbing both of her hands then I pinned them down in the bed.

She immediately refused at my actions and tried to free her hands but because I now have the advantage she miserably failed.

"What are you doing?" She asked and did her best to sound nonchalantly as possible but knowing her for years, I totally can still hear the nervousness cracking in her voice.

"You said I can do whatever I want." I mocked her and put the evil smile back at my face again.

She looks like she had seen a ghost or something. Hey eyes looks like it will buldge out from it socket any moment now. I tried so hard to contain my laugh.

Her face is so epic yet still beautiful at the sane time.

I decided to tease her more. I slowly lean my head in, making her gasped for air as she closed her eyes. I smiled at the thought that I can also take her breath away just like the way she can take mine.

I stop when we're just two inches away from each other. The smirk I had earlier was already gone and a new one invaded me, it was the genuine, sweet and loving smile that I always have everytime I got my eyes on her. I've decided to enjoy this moment, to just memorize every detail of this beauty infront of me.

How can someone be so perfect?

I stared at her with all of my being and I come to realize how much I really love this girl.

The first time I saw her, My heart surely skip a beat but I never thought that I would fall so hard that I can hardly stand up. I don't know the word love back then. Sure, i've been in many relationships before, but its not love that got us together, it was just for the sake of not being alone. And when I got to know Kendall more, got spend more time with her, got the chance to see how beautiful she really is, not only her physical feature but also her personality, it made me feel something that's very unfamiliar to me.

For the first time in my life, my heart beats with a reason.

And that is Kendall Nicole Jenner.

"You're lovely.." I whispered to her, that made her open her eyes and look at me. Once again her eyes causes every butterflies rumbling in my stomach.

I put my right hand on her cheek. "You're.."

"Breathtakingly.." I continued as I caress her cheeks.

"Beautiful." I finished my sentence and gave her the sweetest smile than I can muster, to make her realize that I am one hundred one percent serious about what I just said.

Her usually pink cheeks turned into a bright red and i'm glad that she didn't hide it from me, like she usually do. Instead she smiled at me and kiss my nose. "You're amazing." She whispered.

The way her lips touch my nose while saying those words, made me feel a thousand of volts running through my body. I even felt my heart jumping up and down my chest. What she did, made me feel so special.

Stop assuming! You might get disappointed again. The negative side of me had to butt in and ruin this moment, but sad to say I'm too happy to care. I just continued to enjoy the giddyness that i'm feeling.

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