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Danny pov

"Flight 435 now unboarding."
Finally I get to see my beautiful potatos. Me and Paul were looking around and about 10 girls came up to us. We took pictures and signed things. One asked for her first kiss. Well Paul get her a small and VERY short kiss. Im guessing her friend recorded that moment because our phones blew up with comments on instagram. Once they stated to walk away a person with a white shirt and a poster sleeping in the uncomfortable chair caught my eye. The sign said. "Danny and Paul. Thank you for everything. The potato family will grow and potatos will kill crusty ass tomatos." I Giggle. I walk over to the person with Paul trailing behind. I shook the person softly. "Hey wake up." I said gently. "Damn only if I could wake up like that every moring with Danny next to me." she whispered. She opens her eyes and looks at me. Realization kicks and and she smiles. "Hey Danny, Hey Paul. How are you?" I was surprised she did not go all ape shit in us. "Hey sunshine." Paul said. "How long were you here?" I ask. "Um 4 hours. I was hoping to meet you guys and I did. So my life is now complete." she hands us the poster and she asked for pictures and to sign her shirt. She gave us candy with a note and she asked for a hug.

Tormara pov

"Hey do you guys need a ride And a place to stay? At least for today?" They shook there heads. "No we do not think of that. We just wanted to meet you guys." Danny said. I smile. That's really nice of them. "Well you guys can stay with me... If you want I mean you don't ha-" "Yes we would like that." Paul said. I help with there stuff and we make our way to my car. 

*edited 2016
Copy right all rights reserved I do not own Danny edge. Or Paul Zimmer.  2016

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