Chapter 1

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Its been 5 years since Rory last saw Logan at her graduation ceremony. A lot has happened since then. Rory was now in D.C. as the secretary of press. She landed the job right after the campaign trail. Obama was very pleased with her writing skills as well as her personality and professionalism. While she was on the campaign trail everyone got a chance to personally meet Obama and Rory stood out for him. When he had won, he had gotten in contact with Rory's boss and asked if she was available. They have been quite the duo. Rory has worked hard to stay where she is. While on the campaign Rory found out she was pregnant, so she phoned Logan only to be told that he got a new number. She tried Honour and the boys, and was told by Honour that he was in an accident in California and was having memory loss. Honour tried to bring Rory's name up to Logan only to giver her a blank eye look. So from there Rory decided to not tell anyone on Logan's side or even Logan himself that she was pregnant. She went on by herself with the help of a very unexpected person.

Rory and Tristan met up again while she was on the trail in Chicago. They caught up and exchanged numbers, ever since then they have become BFF's. Tristan even helped Rory with her pregnancy and still to this day Tristan is apart of Rory and her daughter's life. Tristan knows all about Logan and he doesn't want to interfere with anything, he just wanted to be a good friend to Rory and help her out. What he didn't tell her was that he knew Logan was surprised that they had a relationship. Rory had asked her grandparents to keep it a secret, that Logan the dad. Chris and the Gilmore's had helped Rory out with money and buying a place for her and the baby. Everyone thinks Tristan is the father, no one ever corrected them.

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