"And forever?" Dean asked sarcastically. I tilted my head at him. "Veto. Malik."

Dean and I exchanged a look, shaking our heads. "Veto."

I sighed, looking down.

Dean looked at me curiously. "What?" 

"Dean, I'm... I'm happy about this," I told him. "I'm happy for us. More than I have been in forever."

"But..." Dean trailed off.

"But..." I trailed off, showing him the Mark. "We've seen what this thing does to me. What will it do to..."

Dean shook his head. "No, you don't get to worry about that. Let me worry about that. Your job is taking care of all the rest. All right, next name."

I sighed, nodding. "Trinity?"

Dean tilted his head back and forth, debating it. "Eh... veto. Haiden."

Sam walked in. "You guys talking vics?"

"Depends on how you wanna see how a name treats a person," Dean told him.

Sam stopped in confusion. "What?" 

"Names," I answered. "You choose the wrong one, you could very easily create a victim."

Sam understood, shaking his head. "My brother Dean Winchester and his wife Ness Singer-Winchester debating baby names. Now I have seen everything."

I laughed quietly, looking at Dean. "What do you say, baby? Does the uncle get name or veto power?"

"I'd say neither," Dean answered.

We looked at Sam, smiling.

"Yeah, laugh it up," Sam told us. I rubbed a hand over the Mark. Sam noticed. "What's wrong?" 

"I've been out of a job for about two months now, and the Mark does not agree," I answered. Sam and Dean nodded. I looked at Sam. "I'm sorry. Were you going somewhere?"

"Uh, yeah, actually," Sam answered. "There's been some weird deaths and Demons signs at some truck stops outside of Boise, and I'm pretty sure that we can handle it alone."

I rolled my eyes, sighing. "I'm so tired of being on house arrest."

Dean chuckled, stepping closer. "I wouldn't say that you're on house arrest." He took my hands, pulling me closer. "Just... maternity leave."

I shook my head. "Yeah, no."

"We've got it handled," Dean told me. "You stay here and kick back with decaf or water or something. God, I can't imagine going two months without a single drop of alcohol, and I bet it's pretty hard for you, since you used to work in a bar for over a decade."

I laughed sarcastically. 

Sam and Dean started to gather their stuff.

"We won't be gone but a few days, a week at the most," Sam told me.

"Well, I trust you," I told them. "Make good choices."

"Don't do anything too strenuous," Dean told me.

"Dean, I'm pregnant, not handicapped," I told him.

Dean and Sam smiled, nodding in farewell, walking out, leaving.

I watched them go, sighing, holding a hand to my bloated belly. I looked down. 


I got really, really restless, leaving the bunker to go to a restaurant, sitting at a table, eating something healthy, drinking soda, placing my drink down, sighing. "I miss whiskey." The waitress walked closer. "Hey, Donna."

Falling Lives / Book Nine / The Life Series / SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now