Don't Do Drugs Like Chris

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Because they were screaming like idiots, they caused an avalanche.
Josh quickly flew up into the air a safe distance with Skarmory, but all Chris could do was ride Luxray as fast as he could down the mountain.
Josh couldn't see what was happening, the last thing he saw was The snow about to hit Chris before a gust of wind blew Skarmory off course and Josh couldn't save Chris.

Chris woke up on the shore of a lake, he noted that it was a 9.5/10 lake that gave his ugly ass reflection perfectly.
And then Chris looked up into the sky, and felt confused. He saw that the mountains in the distance were pink, and that there were 2 moons.
Chris wondered if he smoked too much dank kush while running down the mountain.

Suddenly, Chris heard a roar.
And Palkia appeared before him.
Chris threw out his Luxray.
Despite Chris being a complete n00b, his Luxray evaded all of Palkia's attacks and Chris had it down to one HP.
He threw a PokeBall but it suddenly broke in half mid-air with the sound of a gunshot.
He turned around, and saw Josh behind him holding a sniper rifle, and Josh threw a PokeBall at Palkia, and caught it.
And then Chris woke up.

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