Chapter 7: Days Off

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One day, about two years after the separation, Mistress Smith came walking down to the pigs trough as I was feeding them the leftovers of that days breakfast.

Her dirty blond hair pinned and pulled back neatly, her brown eyes observing her surroundings. She smiled and gave me a little wave. I nodded and returned the smile.

"Hello Mistress. Is there anything I may help you with?" I set the empty bucket of slosh onto the dirt ground. I knew I still had plenty of other things to do, but it didn't hurt to ask.

She kept the smile plastered on her face, "Hello, Moira. I actually walked down here to talk to you about that." Mistress Smith gently placed a hand on my upper arm.

"Okay, what may be going on, Mistress?" She motioned for me to sit on a log in front of her and her husband's fire pit, only about twenty paces or so from the pigs.

She smiled, "Please, call me Misses Smith, and Master Smith, Mister Smith." My eyes widened and I nodded as she continued, "My husband and I have decided to give you a couple days off - that's not including Sunday, since that's already a day off for you, and everyone."

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