chapter six.

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Auden's POV:

My alarm blares through the darkness of the room and I scramble around quickly to shut it off, so not to disturb Casey's sleep. It's Monday.

Snatching my phone off the desk beside the bed, I turn off the horrendous sound.

Casey grumbles incoherent words before rolling over and returning to sleep.

I step out from the bed, grab my toiletry bag from beneath me, slip on my flip-flops, and head towards the girl's shower room.

The air is thick with steam and I feel my hair frizzing as I quickly unstrip and turn the water on. No one is here besides me and I enjoy the peace and quiet as I allow the hot water to roll off my back and calm me for my day ahead. I have one morning class, English Literature, at 10 this morning, and 1 more class lined up ahead of me in the afternoon.

Applying my favorite detangler to my hair and allowing that to sit for several minutes before rinsing it out, I soak in the glorious smell of coconut. I wash off my body, shave and finally turn off the water, causing my body to shiver from the cool air that hits me.

Wrapping my hair in the t-shirt I wore to bed, and a towel around myself, I return to the room.

Casey is up by now and she smiles at me sleepily as I walk in.

"Mmm," she says sniffing the air, "you smell good, like tropical breeze."

"Thanks," I reply laughing.

Casey looks over at the clock, "It's 7:15, Auden, why are you up so early?"

"Because, I like to start my days early so I can have enough time to accomplish all the things I need to," I tell her honestly.

"Hm," she replies instead of actually responding as she stares up at the ceiling.

I hadn't always been an early riser, I pushed myself to do so. I used to sleep in until noon all the time, cut class in highschool and barely do my work. That was until, I realized that I would end up spending all my time at McDonald's packing fries and making sure there were extra napkins in the bag.

Shuddering at the memory, I go into the corner and put my bra and panties on, before throwing myself into jeans, a sleeveless blouse with a cardigan, and flats.

I remove my hair from the t-shirt, massage a heap of leave-in conditioner to my mane and search around for my make up bag, allowing my hair to air-dry.

After finding it, I sit down cross-legged before the mirror and apply light makeup.

I stand from the floor when finished, and see Casey has already fallen back asleep in an awkward position on her bed.

Laughing, I turn off the light and head out the door hoping Casey doesn't develop a crick in her neck.


The traffic is very light this early in the morning, and it's 8:00 by the time I park and walk into The Brew for a cup of coffee. I internally pray Zayn isn't working right now, and I feel a tight knot develop in my stomach at the thought of our possible awkward interaction.

Walking in, I see people are already positioned at the small tables, busy tapping away at their laptops, or skimming through textbooks, taking sips every now and again from their drinks.

I approach the counter and breathe a sigh of relief when a perky redhead asks for my order instead of a specific intimidating tattoo covered male.

I place my order of a dark roast coffee while tying my hair into a bun,

"That will be $5.90," she states with a smile giving me way too much eye contact after pressing the order into the register.

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