chapter four.

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Auden's POV


"Zayn, you know Auden?" Ydstmenia asks looking between the two of us.

I continue to stare back at Zayn my mouth and brain being completely disconnected and unable to formulate words.

"Yeah, we met over at The Brew," he says not breaking eye contact with me.

Finally realizing how stupid I must look remaining mute while Zayn speaks for me, I speak up.

"We didn't meet, he only made my drinks." I tell the others looking at Ydstmenia.

"So are just going to completely disregard the cup Autumn dropped and spilled all over the floor," Emily calls out, gesturing to the brown liquid that lies amongst the group.

"It's Auden, by the way," I say to Emily.

"Oh, who cares, it's not like it makes a difference anyway," she rolls her eyes at me.

Sighing, I walk over to a wheel of paper towels on the counter beside blonde boy and tear a few off of the roll.

I begin to soak up the beer from the tiled floor and the smell makes me nauseated. Honestly, how could people drink this stuff? And, like it?

"Here let me help you," Zayn says before stooping down and sopping up liquid with his own set of towels.

"No, you don't have to, I made the mess," I say slightly pushing him back from where he is beside me.

He takes hold of my wrist and I look from his grip on me to his deep brown eyes that make me squirm beneath their gaze.

"Allow me," he more states than asks with his low voice coming out in a whisper. He releases my wrist and stays at his position on the floor as I stand up.

"So you're totally just going to make him clean up the mess you made?" Emily says to me.

"I didn't see you get on your knees just then, which is odd considering you look like the type to get on your knees for anyone, or anything," I coldly respond, adrenaline beginning to course through my veins.

Making her way toward me Emily says, "How dare you say some shit like that to me!"

The blonde guy beside me takes hold of her waist before she does anything and restrains her.

Blonde guy finally acknowledges me, "I'm Hayden, by the way," he says his voice raspy. His eyes are bright and could steal the attention of anything in the room.

I nod in his direction addressing him, now was not the time for me to be making acquaintances.

I remain where I am and continue to stare at her.

"Emily, get your shit together, Jesus is it that time of the month again?" Ydstmenia asks her friend.

"This is all your fault, when you told me you were actually gonna make it out to one of Yair's parties, you never said you'd bring a newbie." Emily says in an almost whine.

"Well, she's here now and everyone else likes her so chill out," Ydstmenia finishes.

Zayn finally stands and tosses the brown stained paper towels into a waste can beside the sink. He takes a spot leaning against the fridge and crosses his arms. Tonight he is wearing a maroon v-neck and light wash jeans with black boots.

Forgetting Emily's near attack on me, everyone goes back to their normal conversations. Zayn speaks now and again, but mainly spends his time staring after me. I know this because every five minutes, or so, I'd glance over to see if he was still looking and, much to my surprise he was.

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