Chapter 4 {Unexpected Visitors}

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I have not edited this part yet soooooo there may be issues. My computer is being a jerk and my microsoft word is not responding at all... Its a miracle I got this.. Sorry.. I feel horrible. Forgive me.. Oh and this is only part One.... Part Two is even more heated.... But still feed back is welcome.. Along with comments, votes, and anything else you could think of...

Chapter 4

            “Hey mama! I’m home,” I call out as I step through the door.   I close the door behind me and call out again. No answer. I guess this means I’m free until my mom gets home.  I walk down the hall to my room then jump on my bed.

Ge how did you let this happen today? I chastise myself as I snuggle deeper into my comforter.  After Patrick pulled me off of  Tae, Travis punched Patrick in the face. Next thing I know they were fighting. Throwing punches first and asking questions later. They broke four tables in the process of attempting to kill one another. It took half of the football team to break them up. In my head I kept telling myself to do something, but I was in shock. I had two of the schools finest fighting over me, not to mention one was  my long lost best friend the  other a recent ex. I know that’s a conceited thing to think, but it’s the truth. Then I suddenly fainted. I barely remember being taken to the nurse. After that Vice Principal Dick harassed me.

“ What the hell have you gotten into Ge?” I mumbled.

‘Ding’ went my phone. I lifted up onto my elbows and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Patrick.

Open the door!

I replied with a no.

I brought fresh cheesecake and whip cream. I even got you strawberries.

I looked at the text then ran to the door. I swung it open prepared to scream obscenities at him for bribing me with my favorite desert. Before I could get a syllable out he stuffed something into my mouth. I closed it in shock and chewed. YUM, it was cheesecake. I moaned in delight. Patrick chuckled. I opened my eyes and  saw him undressing me with his eyes until I gulped down my cheesecake. He looked at me in response and smirked. His eyes were a light brown almost hazel with the sun shining down on his face. They held mischief and intrigue. I wonder what intrigued him about me. I opened my mouth to protest his staring, but was meet with more cheesecake, this time on my face.  I wiped my eyes with my hands. By this time Pattie had dropped my bribe to hold his stomach, while he erupted into laughter. I took this at a chance at revenge. I grabbed the can of whip cream and shook it hard. I quickly popped of the top and as Patrick finally lifted up to say something I shot him in the face. Then moved down toward his neck. This caused me to laugh hysterically.

He attempted to grab my wrist, but I dodged him. He tilted his head to the slightly as if to warn me that I didn’t want to take this train. I tilted my head to the side and laughed harder. He reached to grab yet again. I dodged him. I began to shuffle back into the room trying to avoid  Patrick.

“Genesis. I don’t think you know who your playing with.” He growled playfully, walking towards me.

“Oh yes I do. Patrick Thomas Green.” I continued to walk backwards until I hit something hard. Damn, it’s a wall. Patrick laughed then stopped. He stood only about a foot away. He could easily reach out and grab me. For some insane reason he didn’t.

“ Genesis Kaye Jones you have two options right now.”

“What Tommy?” He shivered in disgust. He was named Thomas after an uncle he greatly despised. I see that nickname still got to him.

“Well first, you could take this beating your about to get for soaking me in whip cream and calling me Tommy or-“

“what?” I cut him off with an attitude. I was trying to distract him. I had formed a plan in my mind, hopefully he was still ticklish.

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