Chapter 5

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I paced in the cell I was moved to. It didn't seem like the normal class D cell. There was a single bed, a sink, and toilet, along with white walls that surrounded me on each side. It seemed more like a containment room then anything. Not only that but it seemed as if I was being observed every second. It was unnerving to say the least. Why though did they expect to do something nonhuman?

A few days later~

They would prick and prod me in the medical room only to find everything was normal. My behavior was becoming more 'erratic' as they would say. I began to lash out at guards and doctors and soon I was forbidden to come out of my room. My appearance had begun to change, my fingers turning more claw like, my old teeth had fallen out being replaced by sharper ones, my skin was losing its color, and my irises had turned a dark gray. Footsteps echoed into the room causing a grim smile to appear on my face as I looked at the approaching class D's. They looked utterly horrified some would even refuse to go near me and would be instead shot. One walked forward, shaking noticeably. A low animalistic growl escaped my throat. Before I could do anything the lights shut off and the sound of the doors moving made me grin even more. Without hesitation I bolted outside and into the dark.

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