Food, prepare to be cooked.

Before long, it's all cooked and I set the table (coffee table, that is ;-;) and then there's a familiar dorky face popping out of her door.

"What's that?" she asks.



"I made breakfast!" I say enthusiastically.

"Wh- You did what?" she asks, confused. I'm the lazy type, so.

"Actual Shelby actually made actual breakfast which is actually productive." I nod.

"I'm not a bum all the time." I complain. She doesn't respond; she's already too interested in the food.

After eating the majority of the food, we're both stuffed.

"I'll never eat again," Faith says ironically while stuffing her face with another piece of bacon.

"Please." I say, getting up. "Since I did the work, you can clean up. Plus, you're ready." I call over my shoulder.

"C'mon, I still have to brush my teeth." she whines.

"I have to completely get ready." I reply. She sighs in defeat and I smile triumphantly, walking to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and focus on what I'm going to do with my hair and face. I don't usually do much, so I wash my face and decide there's not much to be done, or basically not much that I want to do. So I put my hair in a rope braid and consider it ready.

Then, I'm off to put on the most ratchet work clothes ever. They're so ridiculous and I hate wearing them. I'd like a job where I could wear whatever. I'd be wearing more band tees. At least they're not school clothes, which I never have to deal with again.

Unless I go to some weird college, which I won't. Faith and I both plan on going to McNeese State University next semester. We needed some time to get settled in the apartment. She wants to be a neonatologist, though, so she's been filling out applications to schools that would actually accept at this time. Thankfully, she got accepted really close by, where I've also been accepted.

We're quite familiar with the place, actually. We went to a gifted program there while we were in middle school. Seven weeks with other gifties at a college campus. It was incredibly fun.

Well, time for work. I grab my camera and turn it on.

"Hey, Dreamers. Time for me to go to work, but I'm going to make a video anyway." I walk into the living room and turn the camera to Faith. "Say hi peasant."

"Aye. Go to work." She says, standing at the door with her purse slung over her shoulder. I've got my bag/backpack/purse/thing on my shoulders as well and follow her out the door.

"I am." I reply. "Oh look, a puppy." I coo as I see a little puppy crawl on the porch. I retreat back inside to get some food. I grab the remainder of the bacon and go back outside. "Is this safe?" I ask the camera. I shrug and get into my car.

After I'm buckled up and the key's in the ignition, I mount the camera on the dashboard. Faith and I both have things to do that in our cars in case we want to vlog on the road at least semi-safely. I turn the camera back on and start driving.

"Currently driving...down the road.." I say. "Traffic light."

Longest. Traffic. Light. Ever. I'm actually behind Faith. We work on the same road, but I'm a little further down than she is.

"Look who's in front of us!" I turn the camera around to show her car. "That's Faith's car."

And that's basically all the fun I have today. My work is incredibly boring. I only get to stand at the cash register all shift long and it's b o r i n g .

I guess I can't complain, though. Faith's mom used to have to sit in a room all day doing nothing but answering the incredibly rare phone call and play old computer games. Sometimes maybe eat some soup. And this pays good enough for me to pay my share of the apartment.

After work, I'm incredibly happy because Faith and I have the same work hours, so I can call her to come eat lunch with me.

"Merp." is her only response before she hangs up. I sigh, wondering what the hell she means. That question is answered in about five minutes when she shows up. "Do you enjoy eating at work?"

"No, not really. I just like the game room." I say, feeling childish. Yolo.

"Me too," she says before taking a bite of pizza. We eat and talk about how weird the pizza tastes today.

"Game time, bitch!" I say, somewhat softly because I don't want to get us kicked out of Gatti's. We grin as we head down the hall to the game room. Also time to vlog some more. Faith takes her camera from her bag and starts filming.

"Here we are in the game room of Shelby's work."

"Aye, Mel. What's up?" I greet my friend behind the toy cases. She smiles warmly.

"Nothing much, kind of wish I could be in your position." I nod understandingly. This shit's fun. Plus, her shift just started.

"Toooooooooookens." I say devilishly as I bend down and insert a ten dollar bill into the machine. We'll be here a while.

"God, Shelby. Don't you remember I put a twenty in there and we ended up waiting on me? I think I still have some of those tokens. I might have given them to Gracie, though."  she says.

"Yeah, but this is only ten. Wait, Gracie is..." I trail off, trying to remember.

"My niece, you dipshit. You remember, the one I wouldn't shut up about when my sister was pregnant for her? She's five now."

"Oh." I proceed in grabbing my tokens and inserting two into the claw thingy.

"You'd better win me something, wifey," she jokes.

"Of course, wifey." I respond. It takes a couple of tries, but I win a pink dolphin in the end.

"You won this for Kennedy in seventh grade. Oh. My. God." Her face is priceless.

"Yes. That, ladies and gentlemen, is perfabulousness. I'M MAGIC."

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