More boring life,

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Okay guys I just swallowed my gum and I feel like I'm going to die

Save the Earth gum?


As I daydream about my nonexistent instagram and my nonexistent followers, I begin to get bored. I walk into our ghetto living room and sneeze. The breeze of the fan is really getting to me. Time to clean the blades, I guess. I fetch the stool, a wet rag, and a bowl of Pine-Sol-filled water. Promptly after wringing out the rag I begin cleaning.

Another sneeze. The rag quickly becomes disgusting and I decide this wasn't my best plan. I step down and dump the water into the plugged sink so I could easily switch the water if need be.

I call for Jade and ask if she could be of some assistance. She easily obliged to my plea and I was quite grateful because who wants to go through the boring procedure of wringing the rag, walking to the barstool, standing on the barstool, cleaning half a blade, getting off the barstool, cleaning the rag, repeating? Surely not me.

So I got Jade on rag-wringing duty while I cleaned. That's our usual routine for cleaning the fan.

The weird thing is, I usually don't do chores without being told to... I guess empty, boring days and full, boring, work-filled days kind of got to me and now I'm taking more responsibility.

When that's done, I allow Jade to go back to her daily dose of Teen Wolf or whatever she may have been watching. Probably some stupid show on Teen Nick or MTV. I usually don't like either, but I do like a couple of old shows.

I see the water is draining and also leaving behind the majority of the dirt from the fan. While the fan looks incredibly nice, the kitchen just looks improper. So, surprisingly, I go to work. Both my mom and Tobin, her boyfriend, are at work so I really would like to get the house in more of a tip-top shape because they both work so hard.

Can you imagine walking around streets in an oversized United States Post Office shirt with a large mail bag on your shoulder? Or riding a four-wheeler all day in jeans and boots? With a goatee, to make it worse. I really feel for them and wish I could do more, or I did more, just more often...

It's only when the dishes sparkle, I can see my reflection in the sink, and the stove is so clean that you could eat off of it that I deem the kitchen worthy. Except for the floor which sends me retreating into the laundry room to get the Swiffer. I be careful not to leave footprints when I exit the kitchen.

The living room looks a lot less ghetto with the fan cleaned, but again the floor is ratchet. I go to get the vacuum and clean up the fan dust and also decide to clean the end tables. What has gotten into me? I never clean! Except when I clean tables at work, but really. When all is done, I sink into the recliner and just sit there.

It's then I realize it's not all done. There's laundry to do and I'm almost positive that Jade's got her clothes all over the bathroom floor and there may or may not be toothpaste on the mirror from both of us. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of ashamed to live in such a pigsty.

The bathroom is on the top of my priority list because people actually go in the bathroom, rather than the laundry room. Mid-tub cleaning, Jade stands at the door.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just in a really clean-y mood. I'd like for Mom and Tobin to not have to do anything when they get home."

"Can I help?" she asks. I sigh thankfully.

"Yes, thank you. You can walk the dogs, and if you feel like it fold a bit of laundry. I'll help when I'm done here. How's your room?" I ask.

"Okay, okay, and it's alright." she lists on her fingers. "I can get my room when we're done. Are you doing yours?"

"I'll clean up what needs to be done, but note I've only been back for a few weeks and I'm not a messy twelve-year-old anymore."

With that she nods and walks away. There are really times where I don't know what I'd do without her. She's not even my sister, she's just Tobin's daughter, and my mom isn't married to him yet, but I like to think of Jade as my sister.

We really hated each other from the ages of ten through fourteen. She's a year and three months younger than me, two grades behind, so that's usually the stage of hatred and the age difference it happens with.

Ironically, as soon as we finish cleaning the entire house aside from the master bed and bath, because that's actually the adults' room, so... again, unsaid rule. Plus I know they'd never ask that of us, and they usually keep it at least fairly tidy. Excuse me, aside the point, as soon as we finish, Tobin walks in. He's usually the first one home. I look at the clock: 3:19 pm.

He looks around, seemingly astonished.

"Who are you and what have you done with my kids?"

I laugh a little and he just smiles really big. I stand up and hug him.

"Thank you, so much." he says.

"You're welcome, I guess you can say it started with a sneeze." he looked at me, confused. "I walked in the living room and the fan was so dirty it made me sneeze. So we cleaned that, which got the sink dirty, which made me spiral into a cleaning rage. Cleaned the sink, which lead to the kitchen, saw the dust on the floor, cleaned the living room, and then I thought 'Hey, why don't I just clean the rest of the house?'" he smiled and laughed. He grabbed a drink from the freezer which I'd put in about an hour before, and walks outside. He says thanks again on his way out, something he usually does. That's one thing about him; he never forgets to express his appreciation, and makes sure you know it. I just smile and nod.

I feel a little worn out, now. I fall onto the couch which makes me feel like a couch potato. Good, I deserve it. Right? Soon my mom walks in smiling. I assume Tobin told her about my and Jade's adventure today.

Our usual just-inside-the-door conversation begins.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"Great, even better since I've gotten home. Thank you." I smile and she goes to relieve herself of the uncomfortable work clothes and put on some more comfortable summery clothes, all while the door is open. Typical mom.

I turn on the television and automatically go to check what's on TBS. I see it's the Big Bang Theory and excitedly click it. Yes, I'm a nerd, and this is my all-time favorite show next to Adventure Time and Regular Show. Oohps sorrynotsorry.

I suppose you can say my life is boring? ._.

Happy as Heck,Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum