Chapter Seven - Lop Lopian 3

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Lop Lopian 3 groaned. Where was he? He woke up in a dirty alley. Oh yeah, he thought. I just got thrown out the window by a selfish alien.He got up, painfully. He had landed in a big disposal bin that thankfully had had a mattress dumped in there. Lop Lopian 3 stared at the mattress. Without it, he would have been dead. He pondered his options. Either, run back to the boss and apologise like a good little kid or... he could get his revenge on Minka, Minke and the boss's cute little posse of his comrades and other aliens. He smiled. Definitely the second option...


Minke camouflaged his vehicle as soon as he heard the engine. Someone's following me,  he thought. And it's not Minka. He doubted that Minka even cared. Where was she right now?


Lop Lopian 3 was actually smarter than the others. He had just been playing dumb, so he wouldn't capture the boss's attention. He put the finishing touch on his invention. It was a rocket gun, but this time it wasn't powered by ashes. It was powered by light. The gun would also make the user invisible as it sucked up the light, and replace it with other light, making the user invisible. It was ready. Lop Lopian wondered what the other two were doing. "Oh well," he sighed. "Time to test my invention."


Minke heard a crack or a splat occaionally, when either the Lop Lopians pursuing him ran over a cactus, or drove into a ditch. Minke was careful to avoid these things and his vehicle was literally silent. Suddenly, a missle launched out of nowhere and landed behind him. Oh no, they're angry now. Thought Minke. Smart of them, when they want me to find something for them. Minke had an idea, so as silently as he could, he turned right and left his previous course. He saw  a floating hand go by. They didn't shut the window. Silly them. chuckled Minke, then he followed them. They were still shooting missiles, but with no use. Eventually, they gave up and went home. Minke watched them go. FInally. I can do what I want without people following me. But unknown to him, he was not entirely alone...

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