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Last real chapter! You ready?! This is horribly written, I'll edit later...


The next morning, I emailed both Luke and Mom, letting them know I was safe at Dad's house and had been since the day before.

Last night, Dad had brought home a pizza, remembering my favorite kind was the same as Ashley's - white sauce, chicken and bacon. It was Heaven. If Mom and Dad went out, Ashley used to insist that we order a pizza. We'd get an extra large, and binge on delicious food and Pretty Little Liars.

I missed those nights.

"I asked if I could get off work early," Dad said, sipping his coffee while I sat at the kitchen table typing away feverishly on my laptop. "They said I could get off at two, but I have to be in by nine. Will you be okay for that long?"

"Yeah, Dad, I'll be fine," I already had an idea in mind. "I actually already have an idea for the day. Do you still have my bike or did we sell it?"

"Its in storage. The tires are probably flat though. I'll find your pump before I leave too, okay?" I nodded, clicking 'send' and switching over to Facebook and mindlessly searching for something interesting.


It was miraculous to me that even though I hadn't been in California for nearly six months, I still knew this place like the back of my hand. I pedaled furiously down one street, making a sharp turn on another, no hesitation of where I was or where I was going. I just knew.

When pulled up to a gate, I got off my bike and leaned it against the wall, breathing heavily. My legs tingled. It was the fastest I'd ever rode, and I was glad they're right: Once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget how. It had been about a half hour bike ride, but I had reached my destination.

The cemetary.

I searched mindlessly for awhile. I regretted not going to Ashley's funeral even more now. The world's worst sister goes to me. While wandering, I remembered where our father's grandmother had been buried a few years back, and I hoped I'd find my sister in that general area. My family owned quite a few plots, all side by side.

I was right.

I knelt on the ground next to Ashley's headstone, feeling stupid for not bringing a letter or a boquet of flowers or some other token. Dad had been bringing flowers, or someone had. Maybe it was her fíance...

They were white roses.

She had always hated red.

She thought they were cliché.

The cemetary was empty, and I felt free to babble aloud to my sister.

I talked for what seemed like hours.

I talked about Mom and Dad.

I told her about Ashton and Luke, and Ashton's friend, Calum, and some guy named Michael who seemed to just be angry at life and hated everyone.

"You know, Ashely," I said, feeling the breeze against my face. It felt nice. July in California was a killer, and I had biked for what seemed like forever. "I've learned a lot since February. I've learned that sometimes, bad things happen, and good people pay for it. I've learned that even though horrible things happen, there's always a reason for it. And slowly, I'm beginning to accept that sometimes things are out of our control."

My chest felt tight, but today, I was going to be strong. I wouldn't cry.

"I miss you every damn day. And it'll always hurt, but it's getting easier. You're in a better place, I get that now. Somehow, I'm pretty sure everything will be alright eventually."

My fingers fiddled with the chain around my neck, a necklace Mom had given to me a few years ago for my birthday. I remember twice, Ashley had stole it from my jewelry box and I had caught her. She defended herself, saying it was cute. I had told her she could wear it on her wedding day if she wanted to. I sighed, and then began to chuckle, reaching back and undoing the clasp.

I laid it gently on the grass, letting it be an accessory I wanted my sister to have. I think she would have appreciated it.

I layed on my stomach, just wanting to relax a bit before I left.

I screamed when I felt someone's hand on my back.

"Natalie, relax! It's me!"

The voice.

What the fuck?

"Ashton?!" Confusin bubbled in my mind. I was hallucinating. Ashton hadn't answered my messages for three weeks, and he was in Australia!

"I knew I'd find you here." He smiled that beautiful smile at me. I contemplated punching him in the face or kicking him in the groin. How could he ignore me when I needed him and then just show up at my sister's grave in California?

"Why are you here?" I demanded. My blood boiled. I was furious. I stood on my feet. Couldn't he see I was busy grieving?

"I want to be with you," He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I used my mom's credit card to buy a one way ticket to LA."

One way?

His mother's credit card?

"Are you fucking crazy?" Were the only sensible words my mind would allow me to say. Ashton nodded.

"Crazy about you," I rolled my eyes, but deep down, I had to admit that was smooth. "Look, I know you needed me, and I'm so sorry. But I blamed myself for telling you the truth about the accident, you know? I know I shouldn't have told you. I guess I just needed time."

"So you would have rather kept it from me?" I asked. I couldn't believe he was basically standing in front of me, suggesting we have a relationship built on secrets and lies.

"No, that's not what I meant, I, uhm, shit - This isn't going like I thought it would." He closed his eyes, and ran a hand through his hair, mentally erasing what just happened and preparing to start again.

"Look, the thing is, no matter what, I love you. It was so hard on me, because I can't imagine a world without you. My life was a complete disaster, and then I met you. You made it better. You made me smile again and you made me a better person, you know? You seemed to accept me and you liked me and I liked you too," He paused. "I mean, I'd do anything for you. I drained my fucking bank account and got on a plane to go halfway across the world in hopes of finding you."

My heart was beating at the speed of light, and my eyes swelled.

"I love you, Natalie. I want to be with you." Ashton spoke so genuinely and gently.

I nodded, smiling, tears in my eyes. No one else would ever do this for me, I knew it. He had proved that he loved me, and I knew that vice versa, I would have done the same for him.

"I love you too, Ashton. I really do." I took his hand, and walked next to him, to whatever layed ahead.

Like I told Ashley earlier. In the past six months, I've learned that in life, sometimes we lose. We don't always win. Awful things will happen, but its how we handle them that will define our strength and willpower to make it through life. Sometimes, no amount of therapy or anti-depressants or number of miles from trauma can fix a person. Sometimes, you have to wait for time to heal your wounds.

But I was beggining to realize that with the right person, life can be a beautiful, wonderful thing.

My right person just happened to be the therapist's son.

The Therapist's Son // Ashton Irwin [AU] ✔Where stories live. Discover now