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A/N: Hello lovelies! I went about two weeks without updating, logical explanation. I went to ROWYSO. Twice. I went to their show in Vegas and Concord. Once with my mom and the other time with my aunt, uncle and cousin. I was so close the second time Michael literally fucking saw me! He acknowledged my existance! And I got Ashton's drumstick! It was the most epic thing ever!

It's going to be weird writing this now that I know they are actually real...Like I knew they were, but I have proof now and I saw them with my own eyes. Comment below if you want me to put the ROWYSO experience in my rant book. Or any other topic, thanks.

This chapter was rushed and it is more of a filler, and does talk about self-harm, but has some Natalie+Luke friendship goals bc awwww.

Xx callie

"Holy shit." I muttered to myself, shoving the piece of paper into my bag to get crumpled and torn apart. No one knew about the car crash I had been in except for Ashton, my mother and Doctor Irwin. None of them could have put that into my locker.

So who did?

I kept a sharp eye out for anyone on my way to class. I wasn't sure who I was looking for, so I couldn't do much. Panic began to rise in my chest. Someone knew. Someone knew what I did. If they told the story the wrong way, I could be known as the "freak to killed her sister" all over again.

I was practically alone in the hallway, and the sudden urge to break down in tears was taking over as I allowed my body to lean on a random locker and I closed my eyes, letting out a groan of frustration. When would this fucking car crash stop haunting me?

I heard my phone buzz in my bag, and I struggled to get it, wiping my eyes so I could read the words on the screen.

From Luke :)- Where are you? Your never late to class after lunch..

To Luke :)- You're.

He knew his grammar errors pissed me off. We're seniors in high school, when the hell would he learn? You're and your are not the same thing.

From Luke :)- Im coming to find you. Mr. Kitt gave me a hall pass.

I felt my hands shaking, I didn't want my best friend to see me in a state like this, but as the tears continued to run down my cheeks, I gave up, sitting on the floor, back against the lockers. I sobbed with my head in my hands as thought after thought ran through my mind. I wish I could have been more careful. I wish Ashley would have work her damn seatbelt. I wish I had died in that wreck instead, or at least with her. It wasn't fair.

I couldn't find the right words to explain how I was feeling. It hurt to the point of being numb, feeling everything and nothing all at once.

What I would've done for a blade at that very moment..

Of course I was on school grounds, so I'd have to be super fucking careful so I didn't bleed out in a bathroom stall. Hell, maybe that would be better. Maybe I wasn't needed. My life was over anyways. What did I care what happened anymore?

"Natalie," An out of breath voice said. I wasn't sure how long I'd been crying, but it probably wasn't very long considering Luke was pretty out of breath. Did he run from the classroom to find me? "What's wrong? Are you okay, babe?"

The nickname from any boy could have normally made butterflies flutter around in my stomach, but considering I had a boyfriend and it was out of absolute pity, it made me feel sick. I refused to look up at him, keeping my face hidden. I knew my makeup was absolutely trashed, I couldn't...I could barely find enough energy to move.

"Dammit, Nat, what happened?"

"No, no," I cried, refusing to tell him anything. Why did this even have to happen? "Please, Luke, no."

I felt his presence kneel down next to me, placing a hand on my back and rubbing soothing circles as he hummed an unfamiliar tune. I felt myself start to calm down, tears and breaths slowing. Within a few minutes, I had grabbed the hem of my black t-shirt and brought it up to wipe away under my eyes, knowing my non-waterproof makeup had smeared everywhere.

"I'm so sorry, Luke," I mumbled, taking a deep breath. "Please go back to class."

"Not until I know you're okay." He firmly said, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear and allowing his thumb to wipe away the final tear that had managed to escape my eye. I looked at him to see him already staring at me in a way more than what a close friend would do, but I had no energy to fight him or demnad he stop looking at me. I felt drained, emotionally, mentally and physically.

"I have to call Ashton." I finally whispered.


"I have to." I nodded, reaching into my bag. Luke's hand stopped mine.

"You don't have to call Ashton. I'll take you home if you need me to." I tried to protest, reminding him he still had a full forty minutes of class before he could go anywhere, but he didn't seem to care.

"You're more important. Besides, I hate my partner on the latest project. I hate that I couldn't work with you." I nodded. I wasn't too fond of my partner either, but it was the teacher's pick this time, not ours.

"Okay. Will you please help me up?" I asked. Luke nodded, getting himself up off the ground before reaching for my hands. He lifted me like I was paper and smiled at me.

"Whatever happened, please don't let it destroy that smile of yours, Natalie," Luke practically pleaded. "You're my best friend. I'll always be here for you. Always."



The Therapist's Son // Ashton Irwin [AU] ✔Where stories live. Discover now