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Ashton's Point of View

I knew I shouldn't have told Natalie the truth. I should have kept my mouth shut.

Of course later that night I had gone back to her house, but no one was home. I called her phone four times to no avail, until the fifth time, Debbie answered.

Debbie was a literal wreck.

I could barely understand a word she was saying. All I caught was:

"Natalie... Hospital... Overdose..."

My heart stopped because I knew it was because of what I had said. I had promised I would visit her as soon as she woke up, but I couldn't face her.

I couldn't face the world.

During the day, I sat up in the treehouse. I wondered what would happen if a branch broke. I thought about the night Natalie had fallen asleep on me, and I carried her back to my house. I remember admiring how beautiful she was, the moonlight streaming through the treehouse window, making her appear as a real-life Sleeping Beauty. I knew even then that I wasn't good enough for her.

At night, I walked mindlessly through town, stumbling through the coffee shop doors, asking Sam for a coffee and something to munch on - I was starving. I remembered seeing Natalie for the first time here.

I had been an absolute dick.

I had never had a chance.

She deserved better.

I needed to let her go.

It took everything I had to reject her calls and ignore her messages. I knew she was laying in a hospital bed, hooked up to IV's and machines because she had tried to kill herself over something I had stupidly told her.

I should have just told Michael to fuck himself and stay away from my girlfriend.

I was a wimp.

And it cost Natalie's life.

When I got the message that Natalie was going home, that was it. I had enough. I turned off my phone and sulked home for the first time in almost two weeks - besides when I would sneak back in to take a lighting quick shower.

Mum was doing paperwork at the kitchen table. What else is new, huh?

"Ashton, where have you been?"

"You seemed so concerned. You obviously had the whole town looking for me." I said like the sarcastic asshole that I am.

"I know you're a big boy. You have a lot on your plate right now, I figured I'd give you some space."

"Ironic." I muttered, getting a glass from the cabinet and filling it with tap water. Not my favorite, but my mouth was dry, so it would do.

"How so?"

"You pressure all your clients into telling you their deepest, darkest secrets. When it comes to me, you give zero fucks." I explain, downing the cold liquid and refilling the glass.

"Ashton, its my job. You're my son. You were never very open, and I'm not going to force you to talk, but that doesn't mean I don't care-"

"You never even asked me shit!" I said, volume rising and my grip tightening on the cup in my hand. "I just about vanished for two weeks and you didn't even make sure I'm alive!"

She was silent.

"Exactly," I placed the glass down so hard on the counter I thought it would crack or break. "The funny part is that I was just fine on my own. I don't need you anymore. I could go anywhere I want to and start a life of my own."

Suddenly, it hit me. The world's greatest idea.

"Where is my passport?"

"Your passport? Ashton, are you insane?"

Natalie left this morning. If I could just catch a flight in the next day or two...

"Maybe I am, Mum," I responded, smiling. "But some of the best people are."

I ran upstairs to start packing.

I was going to be with Natalie.

The Therapist's Son // Ashton Irwin [AU] ✔Where stories live. Discover now