the beginning

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Life as a pastor daughter is not  perfect as everyone puts it. Is not all pastors are the perfect angel you expect because my father is a pastor and he is nowhere close to being an angel. My mother died when I was three years old. She discovered after giving birth to me she had cancer. They tried treating her but it was already too late. After my mother died it took a toll on my father. He began to drink I could hardly do anything since I was still so young. By the time I reached ten I could already cook. I cooked and cleaned for my father. In front of church members my father behaved like he had all of his life together but behind their backs my father was like a rum head that you normally see on the road. No one knows but me. After a while his trips to the bar became more frequent. Until that night, I was sleeping when I heard a knock on my door I opened it and my father staggered in. he was so drunk he could hardly stand without swaying. I was always told I looked just like my mother.

"Sara is that you honey?" my father asked still swaying
"no dad it's me Nelly ," I said confused
" I know your sexy body anywhere give daddy some sugar," he said staggering to me.
"Daddy no it's me your daughter," I said stepping away.
"I love when u call me daddy," he said still walking to me.

I fell on the bed and he climbed on top of me then it happen. My father raped me. It didn't stop that once it happened again and again.

There was a time at school a boy told me he would give me fifty box if he get a chance to have sex with me . I did it . I had nothing to lose. I was raped most nights by my father and during school hours i will work for money. I know it doesn't sound like a pastor daughter story but it is. By sixteen i have had sex with the most of the school both teachers and students. Teachers for grades and students for money. Most girls call me slut but i don't care. When i reached eighteen i moved out my fathers house and moved in with a friend she's a prostitute and she introduce me to her boss. Mr Tips he has the biggest prostitute businesses. He is really cool .

My friend quickly became my best friend and mentor. I worked every night.

I hate my father i blame him for what i have to do. I also hate my mother if she didn't die my father wouldn't turn like this. I don't believe in God because if he was real why would he make me go through all these things. I also don't date so my life wouldn't be more complicated .

That's my past lets go back to the present.

"You are a hot one," a blond ugly tall man whispered in my ear .

"Yes she is that's why she is extremely expensive ," Mr Tips told the man.

"How much are you talking about?" he asked .

"Five thousand," Mr Tips said.

"That's not much you know I'm loaded," he said laughing.

"Yes i know but that is normally her price ," Mr Tips said.

"Okay deal," he said.

"Come little Miss Cutey i would enjoy tonight ," he said linking his hands in mine.

He's ugly and he smells. I can't say nothing about it since he paid his money.

He walked me to a red Lexus. He opened the door for me and i stepped in. He walked around and got in the car he smiled at me and start the car.

I hope he's good in bed because he's extremely ugly his face makes me want to vomit .

He pulls up in front of a mansion. He opened the door and walked me in.

"This is one of my many houses," he said.

I just smiled . Don't tell me he loves to talk allot.

"Do you want some wine?" he asked.

"No am fine ," i said getting annoyed .

I want to hurry up and get his ugly face from in front of me.

He walked me upstairs to the bedroom . The bed room was beautiful.

He on did his shirt revealing his sexy body then he took off his pants revealing his sponge bob boxers. I gave him a seductive look and my work started.

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