"I'm glad you walked back into my life, Caroline."

The way he said my name, seeming to hang on it, sent my heart a pounding. I ran my fingertips along his tan, muscular arms before tilting my head up slightly so I was gazing into his eyes.

"Me too."

The both of us spent the remainder of the morning just lying in bed talking about numerous things. The string of conversations had a wide range of topics, really. From his career to our thoughts on processed canned cheese- which Luke despised- and even who we thought would make a better indian outlaw. With Luke, I was carefree and could be myself at all times. I knew that I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge nor laugh. On the same note, I knew I could always count on Luke to make me laugh.

"Hey Caroline," Luke said, jolting me from my train of thought.

"Yah?" I responded.

He smirked. "What does the nosy pepper do?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "This is another corny ass joke, isn't it?"

He shrugged. "C'mon, just answer the question."

His eyes were pleading and beady so I sighed and answered. "I don't know, what does the nosy pepper do?"

A smile slowly crept upon Luke's face before he answered, wiggling his eyebrows. "He gets jalapeño yo business."

I kept a straight face for a moment before cracking a smile myself and bursting into a fit of giggles. Playfully, I nudged him in his arm.

"I'm glad you chose to be a country singer and not a comedian because you sure as hell wouldn't of made it in the comedy business." I stated.

Luke chuckled and leaned down to place a soft kiss on my head, squeezing his arms tighter around me. "You're probably right on that one my dear."

  Eventually me and Luke did get ready for the day, getting dressed at around two so Luke could go do sound check. He invited me to tag along but I opted out, preferring to have some alone time on the sandy beach that I'd sadly neglected during our stay here. In my suit and carrying a towel, I walked through the kitchen, passing my phone on the way. I stopped briefly before picking up my cellphone and dialing Leah's number.

The call tone sounded for a moment before she picked up. "Caroline! Hola!"

I laughed. "Hola to you too!"

"Sorry I just thought it'd be fitting since you're in Mexico and all."

"Yah, I got your point."

"So how are things going with hunky boy Luke down there in paradise?" She asked.

I bit my lip and smiled. "Really well actually. Leah... he feels the same way I do."

Leah squealed. "See now what did I tell you? I told you to go after him and look where y'all are now!"

I sighed happily. "He kissed me on a yacht and then later that night swam around talking to me and told me how he felt. Oh he remembered that night from college too." I wasn't going to tell Leah about the shirt. "And as you probably have guessed already-"

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