Chapter 1: Descent

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Regina's POV
So that's it? We are just going to follow Emma into the underworld? What the hell is she thinking? "Robin what the hell are we doing we are going to hell for Emma and Hook." He sighed, "Regina, love Emma would do the same for us, let's help her for once." He grabs my hand and we descend down to the underworld.

Robin's POV
I could tell by the look on her face that Regina was as nervous as I was. When she asked me why we were doing this I honestly had no idea, I couldn't let her see me scared. If we were doing this at least we were doing it together. As we descended their was a flash of red light, "IS EVERYONE OK?" Emma screamed through some loud horrible screeching noise. I looked over and saw Regina with her hands over her ears. "WHERE THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GO NOW, I CAN'T TAKE THIS MUCH LONGER?!" Regina screamed. Emma led the way with Snow and Charming close behind her, I took Regina's hand and guided her through the blinding red light.

Regina's POV
When we entered their was this horrible noise. Almost like voices, the light I didn't care about it was the voices. I had to put my hands over my ears, I stopped I couldn't stand it. That's when I realized they were voices. Voices of my mother, of Daniel, of Pan. They were putting voices inside my head. I screamed out and Robin guided me through the blinding light. After walking for awhile, it was getting really tiring. All of a sudden Emma screamed, "NOBODY MOVE!" We all stopped. Their was a pit of lava, on the other side of it a portal. Snow looked like she was going to faint, "DO WE HAVE TO JUMP OVER THAT?" I could barely hear her now the voices were getting louder. "NO SHIT CAPTAIN OBVIOUS." I screamed. Emma was the first to jump, she made it. Charming was next, then Snow, then Robin. "REGINA YOU HAVE TO JUMP!" Robin screamed. So I jumped, but not far enough. I grabbed onto the edge and started screaming. "REGINA!" They all screamed and Robin ran to pull me up, I was crying now. Voices, light, lava? What the hell. My life flashed before my eyes and Robin pulled me up. I fell to the ground sobbing.

Robin's POV
Regina was the last to jump, I could tell she was emotionally not ok. She jumped but slipped and fell. She was holding onto the edge screaming and crying. I started having a panic attack, I screamed and pulled her up she broke down and started sobbing. I sat down next to her and hugged her. "Regina we have to go, are you ok?" I asked "No, I almost died and all the people that I know in the underworld are speaking to me inside my head! She sobbed. I couldn't stand to see her this way, it made me so angry. I kissed her, "Regina we can go back, we don't have to do this." I whispered to her. "No we are going on, we are helping them." She said a little louder. "I'm ready Emma I'm fine let's keep going." She said. "Ok everyone ready, we don't know what we are about to face on the other side of this portal." Emma asked. I wanted to say no, but I didn't get a chance to say anything because Emma had already stepped through the portal with Snow and Charming. Regina, who was still shaking and sobbing quietly grabbed my hand and pulled me in the portal.
I hope you guys like the first chapter!
Yeah that's all I have to say

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