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The pictue is of Luka, you'll get it later...


The flight sucked ass.Imagine being trapped between a person blaring their music,country I may add,so loud I'm suprised they can actually hear at all,and someone who snores louder than thunder.Those were my plane buddies.I swear I could've jumped out of the window. But,here I am,standing outside of the airport.Waiting for my Aunt.

Five hours ago I was in hell,now I feel like I'm finally free.Like I can actually breathe.The warm early spring air fills my veins with adreneline,it gave me a feeling I was lacking in North Carolina.

A black Range Rover pulls up directly in front of me and honks.I yank open the passenger door,smiling like a maniac.What has it been,seven years since we left San Clemente? My Aunt sat in the drivers seat returning my wide grin. Her dark brown hair is now streaked with strands of gray,but her green hazel eyes still shine.Her face has more wrinkles and smile lines,but she still looks amazing for forty five.

"Aunt Dree!"I squeal, reaching over the passanger seat and wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Well,if it isn't my little Riddlee Grace.How areyou doing sweetpea?"Her voice is laced with concern.

I pull back and give a weak smile "I am just glad to be back. I think I might already be drunk on the sunshine."

She laughs, "Drink up sweetheat. It all shines for you babe."

We crack up. Is this what having a mom is like? Laughing all the time, cracking jokes allt he time? Because I need that, it's a shame I have had to wait his long for it. My mom is great, but she isn't a mom. Ha, what am I saying, she is a ucking nightmare.I was an accident, and she will never stop reminding me of it, ever.

"Let's rock" She hits the gas and tears off towards home. Home. I am so ready to have a home.


"Your rooms upstairs, and hun, please let me kow if Ace starts messig with you."

"Totally Dree, I think I migh skip dinner. I have a few days to get all of my shit together. I'll be buried in work for a while."

"I'll send somethng up. Wouldn't want you to starve on the first day."

"Okie dokie, peace."I smile, shooting her a peace sign.

I haul ass up stairs and basically bust down Ace's door. Ace is my cousin, he is two year younger than me, the poor freshman, I really need to set some boundries. Because if I find him in my room ever,I cannot say that he will live.

"What's up biatch."

I laugh,"Excuse me? Sir, I would like you to know I am not a biatch, I am a bitch. There is a difference."

"That is great to know, now what do you want? I am busy."

"Uh, doing what? I am here to set boundries. That is it."

"I will stay away from your shit, and whatever I do to you, you get to get me back worse, got it. Now bye."

"Damn, you got this shit down. Why so rude though little man."

He stands up, towering over me at 6'2", more than a foot taller than my 5'1" frame.

"Fuck you, stop growing. You're a giant, we all get it."

He smirks, and then I skip out of his room and down the hall to mine. 


My aunt has already stocked my room with furniture, now all that is left is decorating and unpacking.

A bay window is the highlight of the room, to the left is a full sized bed and my closet door, and to the righ is a desk, my dresser, a wool woven hanging chair, and the bathroom door. The room is calling to be hippie-fied, and I must answer that a call.

The boxes I'd sent earier were stacked on my bed and dresser. Let's be quite honest, I sent alost everything. All I had in North Carolina after I sent all my shit was a few outfits ad trinkets. Which were all packed in my large,bulging suitcase. Okay, so I kept more than a few outfits.

I crank up some music to help me get into my task, To You by Drake is my new found obsession. The amount of boxes looks smaller than when I'd packed them, but it doesn't feel like that for long. Not even an hour later I am drowning in clothes and shoes.

"Why do I have so much fucking shit. I hate myself." I scream out in frusteration.

"Aye, watch your mouth, I got friends over."

 "Sorry, I forgot that little chidren take offense to cursing. I apologize you little shit!" 

"Yo, we ain't little kids"

"Oh,and aparently you 'ain't' going to english class either,yo!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Stop yelling both of you!" Aunt Dree yells from down stairs. 

I walk over to the balcony that over looks te livingroom and kitchen," Well that is a bit hypocritical, if you ask me."

We both crack up. Yeah, this is what home is supposed to feel like.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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