Chapter I

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Fifth War, the

Even though the Fifth War undoubtedly complies with the definition of war - 'a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state' - some scholars argue that it cannot be called a war, as the term 'war' implies that both sides have an equal chance of winning. In the case of this so called Fifth War, the invaders from the Western Counties that took over the former -> Elasia, now the -> Kingdom of Fer, conquered and wiped out the unprepared Elasian people in such a way, that some scholars prefer to call the Fifth War the 'First Obliteration' instead. However, this term is unheard of in the present-day Kingdom of Fer as it is seen as treason against the current King Gynt of Fer.


The creaking and groaning of the vardo was my lullaby. It carried me forth from the endless journey atop the wagon, soothing my mind and caressing my senses. From time to time, the vardo shivered when it reached yet another pothole, but old mare Lily dragged it along without pause. Her musky smell tingled my nose, then the soft wind carried it off again. Birds warned each other of our passing through their territory, their song loud, but beautiful.

The sun warmed my entire body, and its strong rays sank through my eyelids. I squinted them shut further. There was a light breeze that tousled my hair, but I didn't mind. All I wanted was for this moment to last forever.

I rarely got peace and quiet like this. There was always something to do, or someone to talk to. But today, I had the warm roof of the vardo for myself, and Mara had taken over the reigns. I was so relaxed that my mind lingered in that fuzzy place between sleep and consciousness. When had been the last time that I had some time for myself? Usually, even if there was no work to do, there was always someone who would disturb my thoughts. Cino was so full of questions that I rarely had the time to answer one before he came up with the next. Mara always fussed about me, asking how I felt or what I planned to do that day. Sometimes, I liked how she cared, but on other days, her mothering felt crushing. But still, better to be around people than to be alone all the time. I had lived in the darkness of loneliness for a long time, so I shouldn't complain about being among caring and happy people now. Still, I enjoyed this moment of peace and quiet.

Suddenly, someone knocked against the wagon roof, pulling me back into the presence. "Eee, come down", Cino shouted from below. Not again. Ever since he had seen Mara use a broomstick to knock at the ceiling, he had been doing the same thing. I was tempted to just continue lying here, but I knew that he wouldn't leave me in peace any longer. I rolled over, opening my eyes to the beautiful day. We were traversing the high plains that would lead us to the town of Hawkfair, where we would meet with other travelling families for the autumn equinox celebrations, before making our way to our winter quarters in the Free Cities.

There were no trees in this area, only windswept bushes and heather fields, divided into large islands by small streams. Still, the landscape radiated a strange beauty. In the distance, low hills formed a natural end to the plains. On their other side, the Eternal River flowed, never ending in either direction, cutting through the fertile land around it. I couldn't see the river yet, but in my mind I pictured it, the water dark blue with a hint of green, a short stretch of sand where the river meets the land, then lush green vegetation on the side. In the middle of the stream, the water flowed wild and fast, with droplets of white steam shimmering in the sunshine. River gulls sang to each other, and in the evening, once the birds had retreated to their nests, small crickets chirped in the brush.

As children, we would walk along the river banks, looking for treasure such as river glass or smooth skipping stones, or build castles out of the thick sand. Even though I was older now, I was still looking forward to sunbathing and relaxing to the soothing sounds oft the water.

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