Calum nodded, a bit more serious now. "Well, you sounded like you meant it then. I don't know if you still mean it now. Do you?"

I don't know what to say. I bit my lip and subconsciously shook my head. "No." I said, barely a whisper. "No, I guess not."

He just shrugged, not dwelling on the topic. "You know what, let's not talk about that. So, are you coming or not?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm getting hungry."

"But we've just had lunch!"

"I don't complain when you get excessively hungry."

"Oh yeah? No one's believing that."



We got tacos from Taco Bell (duh) and proceeded and finding a recording store. I suggested the mall, but Calum doesn't want to go where there's "too many people."

"Well, where the hell do you wanna go? The zoo?"

"Ha-ha. Very funny, Lucas." He rolled his eyes.

So, we walked around town, trying not to make eye contact with anyone to not get too much attention.

"What else did I say last night?" I asked, still curious. "Or did I do something stupid?"

"Other than puking?" Calum smirked. "No, not really. You were pretty much dead asleep when we got you home. And we have all come to think that you really need to get a grip on yourself. Sydny's just a girl."

"No, not really." I sighed.

He nodded. "Yeah, I knew you were gonna' say that. But, seriously, bro. I've told you a lot of times. You're still young. Who knows, maybe you're gonna' marry Taylor Swift or Jennifer Lawrence or Mila Kunis or Chrissy Costanza or--"

"Wait, didn't Chrissy and Michael have a thing.. before?" I wondered. There was a time when the two of them talked to each other a little too often. "I mean, they were always seeing each other. What happened to that?"

Calum shrugged. "I don't know. That was like months and months before Melissa."

I laughed. "Well, if you think about it, they have a pretty good resemblance."

We laughed at the thought. Michael is not one to have a type. He just gets on with girls when he feels like it. So this realization is kind of funny.

"But whatever. We're talking about you." Calum said. "What I'm saying is that, how would you know if something else is out there if you don't make yourself available?"

I didn't reply. He may be right. But really, they just don't understand. What if I just don't want anyone else? Or maybe I'm just not prepared to give up. I know in my heart there's still a chance. But there's no use in arguing with Calum. He'll just keep on getting back to his point again. However, I know that whatever decision I make, he'll always be there to support me. That's what's good about Calum. He's like your mom but only younger and cooler and more masculine (although not really). Don't tell him I said that.

After a few silent moments of just walking around, Calum finally found a recording store he could be contented with.

The place wasn't really huge, but it isn't too small either. It's just like one of those small town record shops we have back at home, except this town isn't really small, but nor is Sydney. It kind of makes me nostalgic. I could tell Calum was thinking the same by the way he glances around.

"This place smells like music." He said, walking down one aisle of CD racks, letting his fingers run through some of them. "It's been a while since we went to some place like this."

Nothing Like Us (L.H.)Where stories live. Discover now