Truth or Dare pt 2

Start from the beginning

As you entered your eyes recognised it as his office which you have only been in one time.

As you looked around for a split second, you felt yourself falling backwards eventually hitting the floor with your butt.

Squinting your eyes shut and giving a small groan from the impact you opened your eyes again looking up at the shadow standing over you.

Levi stood there his eyes narrowed and his eyes as cold as ever as he stared down at you.

Fear began to consume you until you studied his face a little more and noticed all the black smudges on his forehead and lips from his failed attempt to take off the permanent marker. 

You tried to keep your smile hidden but failed as you felt the corner of your lips curl up.

"You think this is funny?" Levi asked pointing to his face then crossing his arms over his chest you could tell he was trying not to raise his voice.

"N-No I'm sorry corporal... It was a dare... I had to do it." You stutter out looking at the floor beside you.

"Tch, not only have you embarrassed yourself but you have embarrassed me. You couldn't be smart enough and not do it could you?"

"Stand up now cadet." Levi ordered making you shoot straight up but never meeting his gaze.

"What did you do with my cravat?" The corporal asked his question making you meet his gaze as memories invaded your head.

"(Y/N) What are you doing? Is that Levi's cravat?" (B/F/N) asked you as you lay in your bed his cravat next to your face.

"What?! N-no! It's not!" You quickly fire back your cheeks going Crimson.

"Don't try and lie to me. Are you smelling it and sleeping with it because you think of it as him?!" She asks shouting slightly making you cuddle it closer trying to hide it from her view.

"No! No I'm not!" You say defending yourself but making it all to obvious because of how quick you were to respond.

"Sure, sure." Was all she said sarcasm in her voice as she stopped speaking but you could just imagine her with a smirk across her lips.

"Why are you blushing brat?" Levi asked now right in your face making you jump back and put your hands to your cheeks feeling their warmth.

"Nothing! I'm not blushing!" You shout turning your face away.

"You must be if you can't even look at me cadet." Levi says a hint of humour in his cold voice.

Snapping your head back to him you narrowed your eyes and clenched your fists putting them by your side.

"So what did you do with it?" He asked again a small smirk crossing his lips which was rare.

"I didn't do anything with it! I only took it as a souvenir as an accomplishment sir!" You explain but immediately regretting the words that just left your mouth.

Levi's blue eyes widened then narrowed but a still slightly visible smirk was on his lips.

"Speaking to me in such a tone, doing what you did last night to my face and not telling me the truth deserves punishment." Levi commented walking around to his desk and taking a seat while your wide eyes followed him.

"You'll be cleaning my office for two months every day after training." Levi stated playing his elbows on the desk.

'This is so bad... I thought cleaning out the horse stables for two months was bad but, being watched like prey by a hawk is worse...' You groan mentally to yourself lowering your head in defeat.

"I'm sorry sir, I won't do it again." You apologise again keeping your head bowed.

You heard the seat behind the desk move but didn't look up as you heard his boots come towards you.

"Tch, you said that last time brat." Levi spoke now right beside you startling you because of his closeness.

Putting your hands to your chest you tried to steady your heart, always when you were around him or he was looking at your your heart fluttered but being this close made you feel weak.

"I promise it won't happen again sir." You bow your head again and salut.

"Tch, I don't believe you."

"What?" You ask staring up at him in disbelief but soon realising how informal you had just spoken to your corporal.

"Just cleaning my office won't be enough punishment and won't satisfy me enough cadet."

"Corporal what do you mean by that?" You ask tilting your head to the side confused at his sudden change.

"I'm going to punish you worse since you embarrassed me in front of all the cadets the last time and done it again after the last punishment."

As Levi stared at you, you felt a little puzzled.

"Are you going to beat me like you did to Eren?" You ask your voice cracking slightly you had never seen your corporal like this it hard to explain how he was but it terrified you deeply.

"Tch, not necessarily. You won't be able to walk though." Levi says walking towards you making you walk backwards until you hit the desk signalling you couldn't go any further.

Frantically you looked around the room your eyes darting anywhere planning a way to get out.

"Corporal?" You question as he stands directly in front of you.

In a blink you were under him pieces of paper flew on to the floor from the gush of air.

"Tch, Stop calling me corporal I can't stand you saying that and if you still don't understand what I mean you won't be able to walk you'll soon find out." Levi whispers placing his forehead onto yours.

Your heart beating, eyes wide your mind full of thoughts until one fitted together with what was going on.

"Are you okay Levi?" You ask trying to rid the thought you just had and covering with the thought maybe he wasn't feeling well.

"Tch, of course I am." He growled his warm hand now on your boiling cheek as he leant down and kissed you.

You could feel your stomach flip and your heart flutter it felt as though you were complete just by this moment.

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