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(Honestly this one I think I could have done better and it seems a lot better if it were 'you' but I liked the storyline and am just keeping it but from now on I'll be using 'you' and doing maybe a little better than this story)

"There is going to be a wait on this order!" My colleague called to me.

"Right!" I call back as I quickly speed walk to (Best friend name) who was serving at the window.

"B/N) There is gonna be a wait on this order" I say as I reach her she just replied with a nod.

She turned back to the window which gave me a small glimpse of the person in the car.

He had jet black hair and a very irritated look on his face I knew this was going to be one of the smartass people thank goodness I wasn't the one giving him is order otherwise I would snap.

"Tch" He just clicked him tongue then drove to the waiting bay.


"Coming!" I call to my colleague and turn back to help out the chips into their boxes.

"This one goes to the one who was just here!" My colleague quickly said handing me the paper bag with the guys order inside.

"I'm not taking it out to him!" I shout narrowing my eyes holding that bag back out to her.

"Hurry up! Before the manager heard you" She shouted in a whisper causing me to sigh.

Turning around I quickly made my way out the door and to the mans car.

'God help him if he starts' I growl in my head.

"Sorry for the wait!" I quickly cheer jogging up to his side window looking inside a very pissed customer sits.

"Tch I highly doubt that. You can't keep up with your own orders your pretty useless aren't you brat." He grumbled snatching his order from my hand.

That really got my blood boiling.

"Well matter of factly if you can not see we are very busy and the world doesn't just resolve around you! We are only humans and we all make mistakes!" I shout at him my hands turning into fists.

His cold Steel blue eyes looked up at me causing me to flinch slightly.

'I'm gonna regret this....' I whine in my head thinking better of the situation I had just made.

"Tch, what stars sign are you?" He asked keeping his cold stare on me.

"U-umm I'm a (Y/S)..." I manage to say feeling taken back by his sudden question.

"Just what I thought since you have such a fiery temper." He says a small smirk resting in the corners of his mouth.

"Excuse me!?" I shout quietly a small growl in my voice.

"Tch, stop over reacting brat. What's your name?"

"(Y/N)" I say putting my hands on my hips as we continued to stare at each other.

"What shifts do you work here?" He then asks another question.

'What's with all these questions?! They are to personal! I must be getting back' I tell myself.

"They are to personal for me to answer. I must be getting back before I get in trouble from my manager!" I say quickly turning around to walk off but something holding my wrist before I could.

Snapping my head back I see him holding my wrist his arm reached outside his car window.

"No, I'll tell your manager you failed to answer my questions and then you'll get even a bigger lecture. I thought your job was to serve and help your customers." The jet black haired man smirked as if he was trying to mess around with me.

~LevixReader~ One-ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang