Pt. 4

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"Time to wake up!"

You jolt up eyes wide but blurry from waking from your slumber to the loud yell right beside your head.

"Ugh, go away!" You mumble plonking back onto your soft pillow closing your eyes again.

"Oi get up brat." Came another voice also beside you but deeper than the last.

Squeezing your eyes shut tightly then opening them slowly still trying to process what was going on.

Jumping almost falling out of the bed your eyes met a smiling face and a emotionless face.

"Why are you so frightened?" Levi asked in a bored tone while he stood beside Eren.

"Why wouldn't I be? You two coming in my room while I'm sleeping!" You shout slowly relaxing again.

"Well, we didn't do anything." Was all Levi replied with making you blush a little.

"Get up brat, we are gonna get your clothes and stuff." Levi says with a small sigh like he was not looking forward to this.

"I've got no money." You say bluntly with a small sigh closing your eyes.

"We are paying duh." Eren cheered.

"I was afraid you were gonna say that. I hate owing people back." You open your eyes mumbling looking to the tall figure then to the shorter one.

"Don't worry I have stuff planned to pay me back." Levi mumbled turning around and walking towards the door to leave.

"Hurry up, get ready and come down and eat." Levi instructed before leaving your room leaving you staring after him.

"Well I'll see you at breakfast (Y/N)" Eren gave his famous cute smile his emerald eyes shining as he turned and left.

~~~~~After shopping~~~~~~
"(Y/N) You can start walking ahead we will meet you soon." Levi instructed you again holding a few shopping bags and Eren holding the rest.

"Where are you's going?" You ask feeling a little unsure of leaving them since you weren't familiar here.

"Getting a few groceries." Levi said as he adjusted his grip on the shopping bags.

"Umm, do you want me to take some of the bags?" You ask since the whole way they have been holding your bags and you felt bad but every time you asked to carry them they denied.

"Like we said before you don't need to worry we will carry them!" Eren told you cheerfully holding up the bags.

"Okay..." You say unassured but agree anyways.

"Get moving." Levi ushered you to get going back home.

"Bye! See you's soon!" You give a small smile with Eren returning a huge one but Levi just giving his normal stoic expression as you turned and walked down the empty street.

You walked and looked up at the sky as the sun was almost at it's sun setting time.

As you were lost in your daze one of your senses made you stop and look a little in front of you at a bush.

Under the bush sat a ripped small box that had a sign.

Walking over you squat down looking at the sign stuck on the box.

''Please take me'

Peering inside the box your eyes met a furry black and white figure.

Tilting your head to the side a little you kept our eyes steady on it the more you looked at it the more it seemed it wasn't breathing.

Slowly you reached out your hand and placed it on the small figure curled up inside the box feeling the faintest rise and fall of its body.

You gave a small smile to yourself but get a slight shock causing you to fall onto your butt.

It's head popped up with a small surprised purr it's green eyes dull.

You gave a small chuckle and gave it a gentle stroke on its small dirty white cheek with your index finger and it let out a weak purr.

"You poor thing." You whisper soothingly to the tiny kitten.

Taking your finger away it stood up on its weak small paws coming to the edge of the box closer to you.

Just as you were about to reach and take out the kitten you stopped you heard the sound of shoes on the pavement coming your way and it gave off a bad vibe.

Lighting fast you stood up scaring the little kitten.

Looking around to the direction the shoes were coming from nothing was there.

You scanned the area another three times your senses on high alert for any movement or sound.

The street was dead silent not even the wind rustled the trees.

Your heartbeat increasing a little you felt something behind you just as you went to whip around and take a strike it pushed you against the wall.

Pain shot through your back and your head as the thing held your wrists tightly holding you in place.

Opening your (E/C) eyes they met dark chocolate ones.

You began to thrash around trying to free this mans grip on your wrists but it only caused him to push you harder against the wall and tighten his grip.

You shot your eyes back at him and glared.

"Get off me!" You shout trying to push him as his hands held your wrist which didn't work.

"Why would I do that after I just caught you?" He asked a smirk playing on his lips he seemed just a little older than you.

"What do you want?" You growl out loud getting ready to knee him.

"I think you know well what I want." He smirked closing the small gap between you two.

You turned your head to avoid his.

"Don't look away from me!" He growled in a whisper your heartbeat rapid and you were getting yourself prepared to change.

'But, if I change... It won't be good either.' You think yourself staring up into the mans chocolate eyes fear flooding your own.

"Ge-!" You were about to shout but in a flash you watched the man fall to the side and instantly loosen his grip.

Whipping your head to the left stood Levi glaring down at the man but now walking over to him and picking him up by the collar.

You watched in horror as the man looked terrified up at Levi then Levi lifted his fist but something grabbed you from behind and pulled you into their chest before you could see anything.

Looking up you met the Golden eyes of Eren who was looking down at you a tight grip around your waist making your heart flutter.

You could hear the grunts of pain and the contact of Levi's fist on the mans face until everything fell silent.

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