chapter 2 ♣Trapped

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"Your mom? Why would you say something like that?"

"She's been telling me since that she wanted grand children and since I wasn't ready to get married, she was going to take matter into her own hands and choose a woman for me. I guess she chose you"

"Me?" She asked incredulously

"Yes, you. So now we're quite stuck on this ship"

"But can't we easily turn the ship around and go home?" Eve asked innocently

"I wish we could, but we can't. This is a very big ship that can contain a thousand people and there'd still be enough space.

It also has a swimming pool, a tennis court, a bar, a parlour and a dinning. It is well stacked with food that could last us for months to come. All the rooms are locked except my bedroom and I don't have the keys with me to open one of the rooms for you so you'll have to share mine with me.

Also, this ship is automatic but the control has been destroyed so there's no way to leave here except sailing this ship manually with a paddle and there's no way you and I can sail this very big ship ourselves. Unfortunately, we're the only ones in the ship. So the only option we have is to wait. We could put out a distress signal so that any ship coming by could help us but unfortunately, that could be like weeks or even months before one might come by! We could both swim back to shore but we're right in the middle of the ocean. There's no way we'd be able to swim except we wish to become fish food plus this is the deepest part of the ocean. we could take a rescue boat but it wouldn't stand a chance in this ocean current and would eventually capside and either way, we still end up becoming shark's food or drowning. My mother really took her time to plan this. And the drug must have been strong if we were both sleeping while we were being carried to the middle of the ocean. I wonder what length she'd go just to get that grand child. Infact, if not I'm the receiver of all this, I would have clapped for her, for orchestrating a plan as perfect and devilish as this. She made sure we had no where else to go so you're quite stuck with me till God knows when"

"Oh my God!" And she fainted right there and then

"Oh my God!" And she fainted right there and then

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Wow that was pretty intense. She'd go to any length including imprisoning her son. But then, this isn't the end if their life, this is the beginning of their love story. Read on to find out more and please vote and comment on what you think. Picture of Zach at the side, in the media box.


HEY GUYS!...♥😍😘😜🙈

so I was able to drop the another chapter of TAMING MY BILLIONAIRE (TMB)

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