Chapter 13 Emotionless

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Chapter 13



I'm sitting on the lounge waiting for Mum and Dad to come back and start yelling at me, I just really want to get the lecture over and done with.

"Hope what the hell where you doing in a club you are only eighteen!" Mum yells at me.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to have a bit of fun." I say

"Well you didn't have to go to a club, you could have killed someone again." Dad says

"But I didn't and I didn't even drink blood why we where out." I say starting to get a bit angry at them.

"I don't care Hope you are still in trouble." Mum yells

"I made one mistake. How many have you guys made?" I yell

"Hope!!" Uncle Elijah yells from the top of the balcony at me.

"There does not have to be this much noise." Dad yells. Everyone comes down stairs now.

"We are just looking out for you." Mum and Dad say

"I can't take it any more!" I yell standing up.

"I'm old enough to look after myself and I don't need you guys treating me like I'm a helpless little baby because I'm not. I try to be the perfect little girl, who does everything she's told. I'm sick of feeling like this, I died, I've been feeling everything a million times more and I can't take it I'm not going to take it anymore." I yell

"Hope don't do it." Dad yells I don't listen and close my eyes I flip my switch.

"Wow, I don't fell anything, it's amazing." I say as I vamp speed to the stairs but am stopped by My Father and Mother.

"Where do you think you are going?" Dad questions

"Far away from here." I say

"You are not leaving this house until your emotions are back on." Mum yells

"Well that's not ever going to happen." I say walking over to the mini fridge.

I find a bottle of bourbon, vamp speed over onto the lounge and start sipping it.

"What the hell do you think you are doing!?" Mum questions

"Not drinking bourbon." I say with the same devilish smile as my dad.

"You are eighteen..." Mum starts to say but I cut her off

"You don't think I know that. I know my age. I don't need to be told ever time I do something wrong." I yell

"What happened to you? Why did you have to turn into this person." Uncle Elijah says

"What person, a person with out emotions. None of you have the right to judge me!" I yell as I throw the all most empty bottle of bourbon at the wall smashing it into a million pieces.

"Just turn them back on and we can help you." Aunty Freya says.

"It's not going to make a difference." I say, Mum and Dad sit next to me.

"We can try and help you Hope." Mum says hugging me with dad.

I start to cry and I turn my emotions back on.

"Was that so hard-" Jackson says. My super sensitive ears pick up the presences of another. I turn the person, only to face thin air, then back to Jackson, but he's gone too.

"Where did Jackson go?" I question.

Little Wolf : The Originals (on Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin