Chapter 8 Drink Up

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Chapter 8

Drink Up

Hope's P.O.V.

I bite his neck and suck the blood out. The feel of blood sliding down my throat is refreshing. I feel the hunger inside me grow stronger as I keep drinking. The crazy inside of me is coming out. "Hope stop!!" Dad yells his terrifying yell. I don't listen, I can't and won't stop. I can't stop drinking this beautiful, wonderful, amazing elixir that is blood. The man I am drinking from is ripped away from me and thrown across the room away from me. The veins around my eyes go black, I try to vamp speed towards the passed out man to finish sucking the life out of him but I'm stopped buy Aunty Bex's and Mum. "Hope, Hope, you have to snap out of it." Dad says. I struggle to breaks free from Mum and Rebekah's grip. "Snap her neck!!" Mum yells as I continue to struggle. Uncle Elijah walk towards me putting his hands on both sides of my head and twists my head quickly to one side, blackness consumes me.


Hayley's P.O.V.

Elijah snaps Hope's neck, Rebekah and I drop her on the ground. "What the hell are we going to do, if she can't feed without turning into a Ripper?" I ask carrying Hope over onto the lounge. I place her little body down and walk back to Jackson's side. "You know who had these types of problems, Stefan Salvatore." Klaus says smirking his infamous smirk.

"Let me ring him"

"Why are you going to ring him." Elijah asks.

"Too see if he can help with Hope little problem. It is worth a try" Klaus says.

"Do I get a say in this!" I say, angry evident in my voice.

"No." Klaus replies, calling Stefan.

I listen in using my vamp hearing. "Hello?" Stefan says.

"Hello, old pal it's Klaus Mikaelson. I need your help" Klaus says.

"As if he is going to help us." I whisper to Jackson.

"What do you need Klaus?" Stefan asks.

"Help with a new vampire of mine. She may become Ripper just like you if not helped and that can't happen!"

"I'm not a Ripper anymore. I'll help, I'll will be there tomorrow" Stefan says and hangs up the phone.

"Well look at that Hayley you were wrong." Klaus says in a mocking tone. "Will see." I murmur under my breath.

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