Chill Day Part 2

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Nique P.O.V.

I'm soooo hungry,it don't make no sense,my legs are starting to feel a little bit better.

"Where are they,im hungry!!!!"I whined

"I don't know their not answering the phone"Ken said

"Oh shit"Mo said before running to the bathroom,i looked at Ken and she shrugged her shoulders we both got up and went to the bathroom,where Mo was throwing up

"You okay?"i asked her putting her hair in a bun

"Yeah,i'm fine"she said before throwing up again

"Are you sure?"Ken asked her

"I said i'm fine"Mo snapped before washing her face,then walked out

"Okayyyyy"Ken said 

"I'm sorry i snapped on you guys it's just i'm tried,my head hurts and hungry"Mo said before she got under the sheets 

"Do you know why you threw up?"Ken asked

"Maybe because i didn't eat since yesterday afternoon"she said

"Or your pregnant...."I mumbled but she didn't hear me,but i know Ken did

               Issa P.O.V.

So,imma take Monika to Chuckee E. Cheese to see how she acts around kids before i tell her about Isa.

"Hey"she said walking towards me


"So,wanna tell me why were at Chuckee E.Cheese?"she asked

"Noupe"i said before taking her hand and leading her towards the games,we played games,and had a blast

"Your a cheater"she said laughing

"No,your just a sore loser"i said

"And your a big kid"she said back

"Says the girl who wanted to go inside the playground"i said looking at her

"Touche,but i had fun today Issa,we should do this again sometime"she said

"Hmmm,i have to see if i have time i have other ladies to show a good time to"i said smiling

"Really?"she said looking sad

"Naww,i don't"i said hugging her

"Bye,Issa"she said walking to her car

"Bye"i said 

         Tevin P.O.V.

"We're back and we brought food!!!!"i said walking into the room

"What took you so damn long"Nique said snatching the food out my hands

"You so rude,yo mama never told you to not snatch stuff from people"i said snatching it back

"She did,now give me the food Tevin"she said

"NOUUPPPEEE"i said holding it in the air

"Stop you play to damn much,now give me the fucking food"she said punching me

"Damn,why you gotta be so damn violent"i said giving her the food

"Thanks,your so sweet hun"she said then kissed my cheek

"Biopolar ass" i mumbled but she heard me,cause she kicked me

"Whats wrong with Mo?"Rante asked sitting on the couch

"Why?"Ken asked

"I went in the room to tell her we back and brought food but she cussed me out"he said,me and Que started laughing

"Yall know whats wrong with her?"Que asked,they both looked at each other,shock their heads no,then continued eating.They know something.

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