The edges of my vision started blurring. My heart worked overtime, and each time it pounded it shook my ribcage. Despite my desire to succumb to the darkness, I struggled. I breached the surface once before darkness took me over. I was freezing. I could barely move. The water number me from top to bottom. My lungs burned. My vision faded.

And I was lost.


I smiled as Tane jumped into the river's deepest part. He breached the surface and spat some water out of his mouth before turning to look at me.

"I wish you'd swim with me," he said, and I shrugged my response.

"The water's cold," I complained, sticking my toe into the water. "Brrr."

"It's not that bad," Tane said. "You get used to it after a while, anyways. Come on, get in!"

"I don't really want to, Tane. It's cold. I don't like being cold."

"I'll keep you warm," Tane said, swimming into a part of the river where he could stand up. The water just barely reached his shoulders. As an inch or two shorter than Tane, I would have to be even closer to the shore to be able to stand comfortably.


"Come on. You promised you would."

"I said 'one day,'" I corrected him. "I never said when I'd do it."

"Well now is the perfect time. Come on," Tane said. He looked like a puppy when he begged.

"I don't have swimwear," I fought.

"Just keep your clothes on."

"But then they'll be wet."

"But they'll dry."

"Dad will get mad at me."

"I'm sure he won't."

"You don't know him very well," I stated, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, come swim, and then I'll take you home, and we can dry your clothes outside, eat some soup, and Mother will let you wear something of hers while your clothes dry."

The idea was appealing. Minus the whole part of having to get into the water first. I could stay in the shallow end...

"Fine," I said finally. "I'll swim with you."

Reluctantly, I got to my feet and started to walk into the water. My pants started soaking up the water and I instantly felt the uncomfortable weight dragging me down. My feet stepped slowly and carefully. Tane looked at me oddly, like he was concerned.

"I guess you really don't like the water, do you?" Tane said. "I feel a little bad for making you get in, now."

"It's okay," I said with an uncertain smile. "I'll live."

I got into the water until it was up to my waist, holding my arms close to me and shuddering a bit.

"It'll get warmer once you get your head wet, I promise."

"I, uh..."

"Come on, Jae. It won't take long. Just get your head wet!" He pulled me closer to him and my feet slid from their comfortably solid position on the ground beneath me. I let out a startled cry and fell forward until my head fell under the water. I took in a breath of the clear water and started coughing. My eyes burned, my lungs burned, and suddenly Tane's body was gone, and I was drowning.

Into the Heart of a Killer: Memoirs of an AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now