"So do you have anymore question? Nope? Ok see ya!" I said quickly try to get out but he block my way and shake his head. Dang it! I walk back to the bed and pout.

"But I'm hungry!" I whine.

"Answer my question then we can go get food." He said amuse.

"Who your dad?" Kevin ask and my body tense. Why of all the question did he ask this? Kevin notice and walk over to me. He wrap me in his arm and I instantly feel a warm and safe feeling filling my body.

"I'm sorry but I need to know." He said softly. "His name is Mark. Mark Crystal." I answer.

This time he the one got tense. I look at him puzzle. He stare back at me with sadnesses in his eyes.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I ask him cautiously. He shake his head and smile at me sadly.

"Not now, I'll tell you when the time is right" he pull me up from the bed. "But-"

"nah ah! Let go get breakfast!" He cut me off and I pout. He laugh at me and drag me to out the door to the elevator. Hmmm I feel like I forget something.

"Do you want to like contact your friends" Kevin hint me. Ohhhh. Now am remember.

"Hey guys" I mindlink them.

"Don't hey us! Where the hell are you?!" Angel boom in my head. Here we go again.

"Meet me down the hotel restaurant." I put on my wall blocking the mindlink. I order a pancake with side bacon for breakfast and Kevin order the same. 5 minute later I see my pack and mate walking in and I wave at them.

Alex run to me and engulf me in a bone crushing hug. He growl when he notice Kevin. I roll my eyes.

"He save me" I tell him eating my breakfast. 

Now I'm sitting on his lap eating while the others take chairs and table to make a big table to fit all of us. They begin to order foods and I order another dish of pancake and bacon. They all stare at me and I shrug. What? A girl got to eat ok! especially when I'm a werewolf.

"So what happen yesterday?" Alec ask and Kevin start explain everything. Then we start to explain to him what am I and what I'm suppose to do. I think I fell asleep cause when I woke up I see I'm in my room with Alex hand wrap around me possessive. I look at the clock to see it 7:00pm.

I turn around to see him peacefully at sleep. I use my finger and trace his face. He shiver at my touch and I smirk. I lean close to him and kiss his neck to his jawline teasing him.

I hear him groan and he crash his lip in mine. After a heated make out we separate to let me catch my breath.

"It not nice to tease you know" he whisper in my ear making me quiver.

"I'm hungry." I said pouting.

"Are you ok?" He turn me around.

"What do you mean?" I frown.

"Well you eat a lot now a day." I gasp. How dare he? "Are you saying I'm fat?!" I ask exasperate. I feel my eyes start to tear up and I cry. What's wrong with me?

"Hey, babe I didn't mean that. I mean- oh please don't cry!" I look over to see him panicking. I just kept crying then he pull me into a hug. After 10 minutes of him saying soothing thing in my ear I stop crying. I don't know what wrong with me.

We decide to eat near the beach today. So we call everyone and tell them to bring some food. I decide to invite Kevin with us since he don't have any friend. We siting on the beach eating, start making jokes, and play around the whole night.

At first he don't talk a lot but then when he get to know us and we found out that he pretty easy to be friend. Then Lilly start to feel sleepy so we decide to go to bed. We  exchange phone number with Kevin and start walking to our room.

I wake up in the morning feeling the urge to throw up. So I ran to the bathroom and throw up all the food that I eat from yesterday. I hear noise outside knowing that Alex is up. I run to the door and lock it. A minute later there banging on the door.

"Elena! Open this door this minute or I will kick it down." He scream from the other side.

"I'm ok! You don't need to see this!" I yell over the door.

"Love open the door." He said this time in a soft voice. I sigh and flush the toilet. I walk over the door hesitate either to open it or not. But I open it anyway knowing he would of knock the door out if I didn't. He walk in and quickly check on me.

"What wrong?" He ask me worried.

"I think I eat something bad yesterday. Nothing to worry about." I reply tired he look at me doubtfully but nod. I know he don't believe it but he can't do anything about it. He walk out to let me clean up. I quickly lock the door and strip. Jumping to the shower I feel my body begin to relax. Something is definitely wrong with me I said to myself sighing.

We decide to have a girl day out so the boys can go do whatever they want. Since me and June decide to go shopping. But Lilly doesn't want to go shopping with us so she going with the boys. Alex want me to bring Angel with us for "protection" but I give him a glare that make him shut up. Kevin also went with them. Since the picnic thing, we all kinda become close friends and he decide to join Alex pack and my pack also.

Which mean he is both of our pack members but he would mostly stay with me since my pack don't have that much members yet. I were sitting on the car that Alec rent for us thinking about what been going on with me when June ask which shop do you want to go to. I look up at her and shake my head.

"I think I need to go to a doctor." I tell her. I have been thinking a lot about what up with me and I think I know what wrong. But I need to make sure that what I'm thinking is correct. June look at me weirdly for a minute and nod. I smile at her and we start to drive to the doctor office that I have call for an appointment yesterday.

He is also a werewolf so it safe. Yup no need a doctor that is going to be in a heart attack if they do some tests on me and find out something not normal and inhuman. We are waiting outside the door for my name to be call in.

"Why are we here?" June ask for a thousand time.

"Cause I could!" I answer irritated.

"Ok then. Geez." I hear her mumble. I look up to see a nurse looking at us.

"Come on in." She said warmly. We must of not hear my name being call. We got up and follow her. But the nurse stop June outside telling only me allow to be in there. She was going to argue but I glare at her.

She hesitated but nod pouting. I walk in to see a the doctor siting on a chair. He saw me walk in and smile at me pointing to the chair across from him.

"So why are you here miss Crystal?" He ask formally and I flinch at the last name. "Please just call me Elena." I tell him and he nod. "I am suspicious of something and want to know if my suspect is true." He look at me amuse. "And what are you suspecting?" He ask curious. "I think I'm pregnant"


Omg!!! Soooooooooo how ya think?!?

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