Big day-chapter 13

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I wake up and roll to my side. Axel is gone. I sit up in confusment. I try mind linking him. Yay he answered. He said he's downstairs making breakfast. I put one of his big t shirts on and go downstairs.

He's in the kitchen making eggs. I go behind and and hug him. He smiles and turns around. He kisses me and I feel so many electric tingles everytime he touches me.

I sit up on the counter and he massages one of my thighs.
"Hey so what's the surprise?"
His smile turns a little fake.
"You'll see."
I can feel his pain. Somethings wrong..
"Babe are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I love you."
"I love you too babe."
I give him a quick smooch and go upstairs to change. I see Savannah in the hall.
"Goodmorning Rose." She says smiling
"Morning Savannah." I smile back.
She's like my best friend. We tell each other everything.
I change and go back downstairs.
"Hey we need to go soon."
"Ok... This early?"
"Well yeah, we have a certain time to be there."
I grab my coat and sit on the couch.
Soon later he comes to the living room and motions his hand to follow. We walk out the front door into the car.

***AXEL'S POV***

I can't believe I'm doing this. My heart hurts so much right now. All this time, I've needed to do my job and this is it. This is my goal. I can't let my pack down.
We reach the eastern forest and we drive to my destination. I can't do this man.
I stop the car. It's 10:42. In 8 minutes, I might never see my mate ever again. At this point I'm panicking.
"Babe I'm sorry."
"About what?"
"It's taking a while."
"Oh babe it's ok. I don't mind waiting."


Soon enough after waiting and all the excitement, five big men show up in the middle of no where. My heart is slowly sinking because I know they're were wolves.
"Axel what's going on?"
Axel steps out of the car and he opens my door. He grabs my hand and pulls me out.
"W-what's going on Axel???"
He says nothing and two of the men walk towards us. Axel lets go of my arm and the men each grab an arm. At this point I can't really run, because they're basically dragging me away. The other three men tie my hands with rope tightly and my skin around my wrists are really hurting.
"Where's the other one?" One of the men ask
"She's with her pack" Axel mumbles with his shakey breath.
I look back and he's looking at the floor, leaning against the hood of the car, crying.
"Axel!! You bastard what the hell is this?!" The more I shout the harder he cries. What the fvck is going on???
One of the men out duct tape over my mouth and at this out in panicking. What happening to me??? Another man picks me up and my upper chest and head hang over his back while he holds on to the back of my knees.

I try kicking and screaming but nothing's helping. Why isn't Axel helping me? He set this up? This is THE surprise??? Wait till I get loose from these bastards, I'm gonna rip my mates head off.

Soon enough after all the struggling I get too tired to move and I lay limp as the man carries me. We've gone far enough so I can't see Axel. I'm glad. I don't ever want to see his face again.

What about my sister? Wait they must have her too. That's good. I'll just stick with her.

***SKY'S POV***

I wake up and look around. it seems quiet. I'm glad the fight hadn't started. I get up and walk into the hall. I go downstairs and I scream. Red, is everywhere. There's blood all over the place.
Everyone is dead. Cold dead on the floor. What the hell happened???? This all happened while I was asleep???
Omg my moms dead. I close my eyes and scream again only to jump up from my bed. Jesus it was only a dream.

I take a few deep breaths and look at the time. It's 11:34. I slowly open my door, thank the lord, I hear talking. I walk downstairs and my mom looks up.

"Good morning sweet heart! Today's gonna be a big day!"
I smile,
"Morning mom... When are they going to attack?"
Everybody is speed walking and in such a rush.
"In less than 5 hours Hun."
I see her tear up a little.
"Are the northern border wolves here?"
"Yes Luna."
"Alright I'm gonna need them here, with my daughter."
I walk down and I look around. Now I'm kinda scared.
"Honey, is your sister still with grandma?"
"Alright good. Are you hungry? Go to the kitchen and grab anything you want, besides, this is your home." She smiles and I do what she says.

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