Multimedia Tools

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So, sorry I've been gone for a long time but today I wanted to touch on something different and a couple of new features that Wattpad has no made available for all Wattpad users. So, if you have the new updated version, when you go to write something in your works, there will be two four new buttons.

The list of buttons are the youtube button, picture placing button, word alignment button, and the mention button.

So, the youtube button is actually connected to the actual youtube app or website. Which, now mean you are able to post videos from YouTube onto your stories that may suit whatever you are writing about. This is very helpful not only for the readers, but also for yourself. It helps you to promote and helps platform you, for more people to discover your youtube channel, or someone you know. So, all you have to do is press the youtube button and a search bar comes up. Search the name of the video you want to put on your story and when you find it click it and it will be posted on your story.

The picture placing button when pressed says photos or gallery. What this means is that when you press either option, you will be able to take a picture that you've taken or downloaded and place it on your works, which is extremely helpful for writers because now we can give people the visual of what we are writing about.

The alignment button isn't new and hasn't changed, but the option for it has changed. All it does it places your writing to the left, middle, or right. Most people use the left to write, but alot of poem writers use the middle and I'm sure some people use theirs to the right.

The mention button is to add a wattpad users into your works. Maybe they are a characters or maybe even your dedicating a chapter or the entire book to this person. Whatever it may be, the mention button is there to help you with it. Now here's a couple of rules you need to know about using the multimedia options.

You can't display any nude pictures of people and nothing to violent and if you do have violence and almost fully nude pictures on your story then it need to go under mature content.

But, anyways I hope you guys like these new features and rememeber to vote, comment, and follow!!! Love you guys.

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