Like me?

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* my phone rings & i smile & i pick up* 
Me: hello? Who is this? 
Kian: Mornniiiinnng my beautiful bestfriend! How are you??
* i laugh* Me: aw kian. I'm fine.. i just woke up. 
Kian: mee to!  what are you doing today? Wanna hang out? 

Me: uhhh. erm okay... sure! okay! just let me get ready. and i'll call you when i'm ready.
Kian giggles * Kian: aiight. i'll get ready myself and i'll head over. 
* i smile& let out a small giggle* Me: alright. 

30 minutes later...... 

*kian bangs on the door quickly& i scream& i laugh & i run and open the door * 
Kian giggles* Kian: did i scare you? * he smiles & comes in and shuts the door and i run up stairs to my room* 
Me: yeah. you did. you little shit.  
*kian laughs & sits down on the couch & takes his sweatshirt off* 
* i grab some clothes & i go into my bathroom* 
Me: Hey kian? 
Kian: Yeah? 
Me: i'm gonna take a shower... you chill for a few? 
Kian: sure. 
Me: make yourself at home. Watch tv. or something so your not waiting there bored. 
Kian: alright
 * he giggles& turns on the tv & turns on the music channel& i get in the shower & i leave the door cracked open&he heads up the stairs into my room &  he comes to the door when i get into the shower& i pull the curtain around the glass & he smiles & opens the door just enough to come in and cracks it back to where i had it & goes into the closet & closes the door quietly & sits down behind the wall of the closet around a corner* 

15 minutes later... 

*I get out of the shower & i dry off & i put my clothes on & i go into the closet & grab my hair dryer& i turn around & kian is standing right there & i jump & scream* 
*he laughs&  i go to walk out & he puts his arm out& closes the closet door & smiles* 
Me: kian? what are you doing? 
*he smiles & shrugs* Kian: i mean... ive been wanting to do this forever.... and i have never done it.... so... 
*he moves in closer and backs me up aginst the wall and puts his hands on my side& smiles* 
Me: kian... wait... 
* kian looks into my eyes& licks & bites his lip* Kian: yeah? 
Me: never mind. 
* kian smiles& sighs& kisses me & i smile& kiss him back& he unzips my sweatshirt*  
Kian: i knew you didn't have anything under here 
* i smile & giggle & zip it back up* 
Me: kian.. i can't i l..
Kian: i love you.
* i stop talking * 
Me: wa- what? wait... you do? 
Kian: very much 

Imagines W/ Jc & KianOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz