Night Swim

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*NOTHING TO DO WITH KIAN AND JC. JUST A CUTE DREAM.... seeing as nobody would listen to me when i told it.... i'm writing it...... :'(  * 

Anthony: Do you want to go take a walk on the peir?

Me :sure  
* he takes my hand and the sun starts to go down & the lights on the peir turn on and we get to the light house and  stop  and he leans up against the light house & pulls me really close to him and he smiles*
Anthony: hey lexi, i got to ask you a question.
Me: yeah? what is it anthony
Anthony: Have you ever been night swimming before?
Me: no, why... iv'e always been too scared to go near open water in the dark... let alone swim in it... 

Anthony: Since it's your bithday... do you want to  jump off... and swim with me?
 Me : uh... Anthony... are you fucking crazy? 
Anthony: I can be * he giggles and smiles* So whattaya saaay... please? 
Me: Anthony... i'm too scared to  jump in... and its like dark out.. i can't see in the water.. what if something touches me in the water? and drags me under? 
Anthony: I  won't let anything happen to you... I promise lexi..  i was going to wait for this... but.. i didn't know what you liked ... so... uh.. 
Me: what? 
* He pulls me close to his face and he kisses me & i kiss him back* 
Anthony: Are you scared now? 
Me: Uh... uh...erm.. uh. i... NO! Let's do this! 
* he steps down onto the ledge  and picks me up and stands me on the ledge with him & grabs my hand tight* 
Anthony: You ready for this? 

* i start shaking* 
Me: no, Anthony no. i- 
*he kisses me again* 
Anthony: let's go * he grins and picks me up and i hold onto him tight and we hit the water and it's freezing and i come up* 
Me: ANTHONY..... * i look around* Anthony? .... ANTHONY? WHERE ARE YOU
*something touches the bottom of my foot and pulls me and i scream ..Anthony comes up and he laughs* 
* anthony swims over to me & i swim to the shore & he stops me right before i get up to my waist with water and he puts his arms around me* 
Anthony: I'm sorry. Please forgive me! please. please . please. please. 
* i giggle* 
Me: how could i stay mad at my crush?
* Anthony gets in front of me & points at himself* 
Anthony: M-m-mh-me? I'm your crush?  when you said I knew your crush... * he laughs* Oh your good!  I do know him. he's a pretty awesome guy
* i smile* 
Me: hehe ain't I clever?
Anthony: yes. Yes you are very clever 

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