"What happened yesterday?" I looked over too him as he continued, "after I dropped you off. Did he beat you again?" I slowly shook my head, and went back to staring out the window.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Without looking back I shook my head no, once again.


I refused to look at him, I knew if I did he would see what had happened. I was terrified. I didn't want him to think I was a slut. For some unknown reason, his opinion mattered. He was supposed to be my 'savior'. There would be no reason for him to want to help me after he finds out what I had done. A splash of water hit my clenched fists, and I realized I was crying, and my whole body was shaking.

<Knock it off!>

My mind yelled at me. I made the shaking subside, to occasional tremors. That was all I could accomplish. The traitorous tears kept falling, for the world to see. The gods, they wouldn't stop!

I hadn't even realized we were in front of my house, but when I finally did Kaiba was already banging on the door. I sprinted all the way towards him but when I reached him he was already inside my house with my father backed into a corner.

"Sign the damn paper, Fortuna."

"All right, jeez, if you wanted the little whore, you could have stopped by last night and paid a simple, cheap two hundred bucks!" I gasped. No, he shouldn't have said that. Now Kaiba wont want anything to do with me. I took a few steps back, and pivoted on my heel before taking off outside.

"Mercy, wait!" I heard Kaiba yell. I didn't listen, I just kept running. Eventually I came back to Mr. Moto's card shop. I was breathing raggedly when I walked into the store, the little bell on the door dinging.

"I'll be out in a moment", I heard a yell from the back.

"No hurry Mr. Moto, it's just me, Mercy", I yelled back.

I looked at some duel monster cards, they weren't really my thing but I enjoyed watching other people duel. It's entertaining seeing how 'into it' they get. After a few minutes, Yugi's grandfather came out with a grin on his face.

"Skipping school again, Mercy?" He playfully asked.

"Yes sir". It felt nice to be around Mr. Moto, like I could be myself around him. He had this glowing aura and it made me want to tell him him all my secrets.

"Plan on staying here for a while"?

"If that's okay with you".

"That's fine, in fact, I could use your help! Could you keep an eye on the shop for fifteen minutes?  Yugi forgot his lunch money and I want to take it to him".

"That's fine. Tell them where I am so they don't worry please", I smiled shyly. It was weird, I don't remember ever being shy before.

"Will do, my dear." With that he walked out the back entrance, and I heard his truck firing off.

I began looking through the cards, wondering what holds people under their spell. They were just cards. Hmm. After twenty minutes, I heard the bell ding signaling a customer.

"If I can help you, let me know!" I put on my emotionless mask, though my voice sounded cheerful, before looking up to see who had come in. He looked about seventeen or so, with a red headband with black diamonds on it. Humongous green eyes with black eyeliner on, and in his left ear was a single die.

"Where's Mr. Moto"?

"He went to give something to his grandson. Can I help you with something?" I questioned him.

"No, actually a friend of mine is suppose to be meeting me here in a few minutes. Shouldn't you be in school?" Who the hell does he think he is asking me these questions?

"That's none of your business, now is it?" I replied, anger seeping into my voice.

I quickly realized what had happened, and had my voice back to its emotionless tone before I uttered my next words. "Shouldn't you be?"

He smirked, "That's none of your business now is it?"  His voice was teasing, almost making me smile.


Just then the bell dinged again, and I glanced over to see who it was. My spine stiffened immediately upon seeing my brother, a grand smile upon his face as if he had not a care in the world.  

"Hey, Duke. What's u-What are you doing here, Mercy?" Damon asked, finally noticing me as I stood in a darkened corner.

"Watching the shop, what are you doing here," I answered, my voice not simply emotionless but now with a cold, hardened edge to it.  He actually had the decency to fake a concerned look.

"Why are you talking like that?" He squinted his eyes, as if trying to see me better or perhaps see through me.  Could he tell what had happened to me?  Did he know that his sister was a whore now?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"What happened to y-", I cut him off in the middle of his question.

"Butt out, Damon, it's none of your goddamn business", I ground out, trying desperately to keep my emotions in check and not lest the tears I felt burning my eyes fall down my face.

"You know her, Damon?" The other guy, who my brother called Duke, asked.

"Yeah, that's Mercy, I told you about her. Mercy, this is Duke Devlin, my best friend and the maker of the game Dungeon Dice Monsters."

"I don't care. Look please leave before Mr. Moto returns." I pleaded.  Unfortunately, right after I finished that sentence, Yugi's grandfather walked in through the back door.

"Thanks you Miss Fortuna for watching the shop. Hello Duke. Damon. Good to see you again. It has been so long since you had come by I was beginning to worry." Yugi's grandfather said jokingly.

"Hi, Grampa Moto." Duke and Damon said at the exact same time, sounding more like twins that Damon and I ever did.

"Alright, I better go. I have to get home before school lets out..." I whispered, not knowing if anyone actually heard me. But I walked out the door regardless.

Give Me Mercy [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now