Possible Madness?

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Residing deep within

The beast that rises inside

Gnawing on my bones

A horror of bad intentions is waking

And I can't help but feed it with gleeful delight

Savoring each fantasized scream

The fright in their eyes

Such a horrific wonderland caged in my mind

I just can't stop grinning

Dancing around this bonfire of anguish

Dancing to their helpless screams

Dancing for the hell of it

I just can't stop grinning

I just can't stand being locked up anymore

Can't stand faking anymore

This is madness every day


About what you really are

Pretending this place we call

So whatever we desire

Is what we truly desire

I just can't stop grinning

Faking your smile

Faking your faith

Faking your humanity

I just can't stop grinning

Men hiding behind so called ideologies

Religion is what they say

Hate is what their governed by

With a badge of 'love'

These hypocrites obscenely display their devotion

To some god

Twisting and warping his semblance

As they so desire

I just can't stop grinning

These fools just don't stop

These bigots contradict

These people make me laugh

I just can't stop grinning

Off my rocker am I?

Deranged, is that so?'

Best look in the mirror then

We're all the same here


Heaven?, Hell?

Do such words even hold a meaning?

In this roller coaster of insanity

I just can't stop grinning

Black and white, opinions

Black and white, lies

Black and white, beliefs

I just can't stop grinning

Eating away from within

Gnawing on my bones like a savage beast!

Confused, torn, and abused...

Society dictates; Society dictates....

Don't give a damn for your hypocrisy

Shut you mouth pray to your false "god"

While you stick you head in the sand

Who is crazy again?

I just can't stop grinning....

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