Chapter 4: Irreplacable Emotions

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After a long walk of awkwardness Hinata whispered exhaustedly due to the pressures and the fatigue of the practice "Kageyama-kun, I think I can walk now. Can u let me down?". Kageyama can feel Hinata's breathing inhaled and exhaled next to his neck. He turned his gaze toward Hinata who was still clinging onto his back and saw his eyes were barely opened, his face was pressed against Kageyama's shoulder, having such cute and midget face is a turn on for Kageyama.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Kagayama asked. Hinata nodded rubbing his hand against his eyes. Kageyama slowly dropped Hinata off his back and stretched his body whereas Hinata tapped and massaged his ankle and not for long he was able to maintain his balance and started walking.

"I think it's healed!" Hinata got hyped. "Thanks for the piggyback ride, Kageyama-kun" he continued.

Along the way home, they talked about a lot of things as if they really want to get to know each other and especially volleyball. A few moments later, they passed by a street that seemed to be celebrating some sort of events or a mini festival. The string lights glistened, people were cheering to the parade, kids were playing with one another filled with fun and joys sharing loves and affections. Lots of booth were selling foods and souvenirs. The street was a packed.

"Woah! What are they doing?" Hinata asked himself aloud.

He was so curious that he took a peek into the street. Kageyama walked toward Hinata and tapped Hinata's shoulder "Wanna go in?" Kageyama asked.
"Really? We can?" Hinata jumped around putting his hand in the air running in excitement. "Uuun, no problem. I kinda wanna see what happens too." The straight-faced Kageyama finally showed some enthusiasms into things. Kageyama then peeked his neck up and down making curious yet cute face that made Hinata silently chuckled "Bakayama".

They both entered the crowded street without thinking of the consequences. The area was really tightly-packed that were barely any space to walk.

"Oii!! Hinata, dumbass, dont walk far away from me, we might be separated at anytime."

While Kageyama was talking, Hinata was swayed by all the cool-looking and cute handmade souvenirs at the side of the street. This type of event is really rare he thought he might get something for natsu, Hinata's sister and his mom.

JUST Right after Kageyama finished warning, Hinata was nowhere be found in his sight. Kageyama panicked he looked around him but because Hinata was a little short, he blended into the crowd thus giving hard times for Kageyama. When Kageyama look to the side of the street, he saw a short, kinda midget with a orange/gingerbread hair wearing white t-shirt looked identical to Hinata. Kageyama was skeptical but there might be a possibility that it might be Hinata. He preached to that person tapping that guy's shoulder shouting "HINATAA!" .The guy shuddered. He faced toward Kageyama but unfortunately it wasn't Hinata. The guy was really pissed, Kageyama bowed down to deeply apologize.

After long long minutes of searches with sweats dripping off his chin, rolling on his cheeks, damped his shirt, he still couldn't find Hinata. "Where is that Scatterbrain? He disappeared right after I warned him!! He's going to eat my fist if i ever find'd hug him..or should i hit it or should I hug him....." Kageyama shaked and scratched his head with both hands messing up his hair. He was too tired after the long walk so he sat down on a bench at a slightly less crowded place near the street hopelessly covered his face with his two hands and set his two elbows against his thighs.

"Where could he be" "what should i do? What if anything happened to Hinata? What if he was caught onto something dangerous?" "I mean i know this wouldn't happened but i still think of the negatives" He murmured to himself. His eyes are lingering in tears, still thinking of the worst.

Moments of depressing had passed, Kageyama heard a sound of thudding footsteps walking toward him.

"I finally found you, Kageyama-kun" Hinata panted. "I ran looking for you everywhere".

Kageyama slowly lifted his face up, jaw dropped as he saw Hinata appeared. Ke quickly got up calling out "HINATAA". "Where have you been ?" He stepped forward holding up his arm and hugged Hinata tightly in his body resting his face on Hinata's head.

"I'm sorry, Kageyama. I was attracted by the food and the souvenirs at the booth and when I turned back, you were gone. I was so scared so i went look for you everywhere. I know it's my faults for not considering myself warned." Hinata held his bag strap crying. "I thought that you might be really really mad when you found me, i didnt know what to do" he continued and wiped his tears. Kageyama looked Hinata in the eyes touching Hinata's face with his big warm hands wiping Hinata tears with his thumb.

"How can i be mad at you, you little shrimp. Well, i was kinda mad... I mean really mad but i got really worried that something bad might've happened to you and i wont be able to forgive myself" Kageyama said.

They both blushed and suddenly became shy of each other.

"It's nearly past my curfew, we need to head home now" Hinata said. " we have to squeeze through the crowd again" he continued. "But I this time i swear i wont disobey your order". Kageyama held up his hand "Just in case your stubborn head got swayed by the souvenirs again" Kageyama covered is face with the other hand.
"What do you mean?" Hinata questioned.
"We need to hold hand you dumbass" Kageyama shouted and blushed.

Hinata's face got really red and steamy you can almost see smoke coming up. He looked down to the ground and slowly lift his hand up towards Kageyama's palm. Kageyama gently grab Hinata's hand and hold it tightly. Hinata had lighted sparks in Kageyama's heart and gave Kageyama a butterfly stomach. After that, they squeeze through the crowd and blushing all the way home.

Kageyama have walked Hinata home. He waved to Hinata with a smile and Hinata waved back with a contagious smile that have captivated Kageyama.

"Never want to see that smile fade, ever" Kageyama whispered to himself while turning toward his direction home.

Author's note: Happy Chinese New Year. I'm not Chinese but we, Cambodians mostly are mixed races between Cambodian and Chinese or you can say our ancestors are Chinese.
Hope you can lots of red pockets :D

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