Chapter 9

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M: geez what took so long
H: umm well we uhh
M: dude I was just kidding geez like calm down
H: yeah sure okay ( fake laughs)
L: are you okay?
H: umm yeah why
L: well because your stuttering over all of your words
H: I am??
L: yeah you are
Loud speaker at airport: Flight 12 gate 3 flying your are now boarding the plane
L: uhh I guess that's us
M: umm yeah
H: yeah that's us
C: come on guys we have to hurry
( we all board the plane and sit in our seats it goes me on the window seat than Hunter than the isle than Mario than Julian Than Jovani at the other window seat than in the row behind us is Everyone else )
* Hunters thoughts *
Why is lily shaking?
Her face is getting all red and her heart is speeding up and she is breathing heavier . What's wrong ??
* Hunters POV*
H: Mario I'm worried
M: about what
H: well lily is shaking her face is getting red she is breathing heavier and her heart beat is speeding up
M: dude she's nervous just comfort her and make sure she's okay and ask her what's wrong
H: okay thanks I've never been good at this relationship kind of thing
M: yeah obviously
H: Lily are you okay
L: umm not really
H: what's wrong
L: umm well I'm kind of scared of heights and I've never been in a airplane and I'm just really scared
H: oh well it's okay baby girl in here there is nothing to be afraid of and if you just scared just close the window and just hold my hand
L: okay thank you handsome
H: your welcome princess now you look really tired just try to go to sleep
L: okay
AS= Airplane speaker
AS= we will be talking off in 3,2,1
( I feel like grab my hand and squeeze it then she shuts the window so she can't she how high we are )
H: it's okay baby girl
L: I know
H: just try to go to sleep
( then she laid her head on my shoulder and about 10 minutes later she was asleep )
H: thanks Mario
M: your welcome dude try to sleep while you have the chance to because you look really tired to
H: okay
* Hunters thought to himself *
Why is she so cute when she sleeps
Ugh I mean why is she so cute when she is awake to
I'm glad I met her I don't knowing what I would have down with my life
( and before you know it I wasn't thinking any more I was sleeping { 1 hour later }
* Hunters POV *
( I woke up after an hour of sleeping and I looked around and everyone else was asleep so j just decided to play with Lilys hair and to look at her )
M: awe your treating her good just know that bro
H: oh your scared me and thanks you've helped me to a little so thank you
M: your welcome just treat her good after all she's been through
H: don't worry bro i will
M: good
L: whatcha talking about
( she said in like a morning raspy voice which did I not mention was really sexy )
H: awe your voice is so adorable when you wake up
(She blushes which makes her even cuter)
L: thanks
H: your welcome bootiful
AS: we will be landing in 5 minutes

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