Chapter 7

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* Lilys POV *
(we fall asleep watching Netflix )

* next day*
( we get awaken by Ashton jumping on the bed )
H: Ashton leave 
( I smiled when Hunter talked )
H: why are you smiling
L: because I love your morning voice
H: oh really
L: yeah
H: Ashton why are you in here
Ash: momma told me to come wake you guys up because we have to head to the airport in a little while
H: oh well we're awake so you can leave now
Ash: ok
( Ashton leaves )
L: I guess we should start packing well I mean you better get packing I barely have anything
H: yeah ok you can just put your stuff in my suitcase ( he said as he was getting up and walked to the other side of the bed and passionately kissed me after he was done talking )
L: I love you
H: I love you too
L: I have to go change into my VS outfit I'll be right back
H: okay baby girl
( I walk into the bathroom and change while he starts to pack and set aside clothes for today , I finished changing and I walkout of the bathroom )
* Hunters POV *
( i heard the bathroom door start to open and I ignore it because we were leaving in 10 minutes and i have a lot of stuff to finish packing , then all of the sudden Lily comes up and actually scares me from behind)
L: boo
( I scream like a little girl when she sees a snake)
H: geez you literally gave me a heart attack
L: sorry ( then she says not sorry under her breath )
H: what did you just say
L: not sorry
H: that's what I thought your luck we have to leave in 5 minutes or you would be getting some pay back but I will get you later
L:(rolls her eyes ) okay ( she says sarcastically )
* 3 minutes later *
H: finally I'm done packing
L: good now we can go meet your mom on the hallway
H: fine but I want to take a picture for snapchat and Instagram
L: okay?
H: here come hold my hand
( she comes and holds my hand and I take a picture of our hands captioning it " on my way to the airport w/ my princess😍👑")
L: awe that's the best caption is the best let's snapchat on mine now since I don't have as many people on mine as you
H: okay
( she takes a picture of our hands and captioning it "with the most handsome one around 😘💋)
H: I'm going to get Julian or Jovani to take a picture of us 
L: okay
( I go to there room and both of them come )
H: look how awesome I am I got them both
L: yeah you really are awesome
( she says as she is hugging me and we softly kiss each other before she pulls away with her smiling )
J= Julian
J and JJ: awe how cute
J: dude stop taking my words out of my mouth 🙄like come on
JJ: alright let me see your guys phone
( I hand Jovani mine and Lily hands Julian hers )
J: just in your regular photos
L: yeah for now then I want one on snapchat
H: here get on my back
( she jumps on my back and we get a picture with us looking at each other then she gets off my back and we turn to the side and we kiss for another one and for the last one in regular pictures is of us hugging each other and her head is on on shoulder )
J: do you want to look at them before we move on to snapchat
L: naw what ever I have will be fine here I'll open snapchat because I have like a million different folders and it will take 10 years for you to find it ( we all started laughing )
H: yeah I'll open up my own snapchat too cause I have like 5 different pages of stuff ( I started laughing with lily joining in her laugh is the best and her smile then I think to my self damn Hunter how did you find some one so perfect how did you luck out on her )
L:  watch ya thinking about over there
H: umm..uh..nothing ( I start to feel my checks get really red so I just put my hand in my pocket and run my other hand through my hair as I look down knowing that I was blushing )
J: Ohhhhh someone's blushing (we all start laughing at what Julian said )
L: here is my phone back
H: yeah here's my phone too
L: I want to do the same one we did in the first picture cause I have the best caption for it
H: okay ... here jump
( we get in the same pose both Julian and Jovani take the picture and then we both take our phones with me captioning mine "W/ the one thing I love most😍💑" and her captioning hers "You Know Your In Love When You Can't Fall Asleep Because Reality Is Finally Better Than Your Dreams😘😍" we both post them on snapchat then we go to the twins room  while waiting for momma to finish getting Ashton ready )
H: I'm going to tell my mom that we are going to your guys room
J: okay
( me and lily walk over to Mommas room )
C: hey guys are you guys ready
H: yeah but we are headed to the twins room really quick
C: okay meet me and everyone else in the lobby in 5 minutes with all the luggage
H: okay
( me and lily head to the twins room )
H: so how are you holding up
L: actually better than I thought I would be I'm just glad you brought up taking pictures that got her off my mind
H: good I wonder how many people saw our stories let's look
L: okay
( we both pulls out our phone I have 4,146 and she has 125 , she starts crying because someone snapchated her about her story )
H: what's wrong
( she shows me the snapchat)
H: it's okay baby girl I'll protect you
( then we walked into the twins room with her sniffling a little )
J: what's wrong
( she shows them the snapchat and they hug her and I)
J: it's okay we all will protect you and won't let you get hurt
JJ: yeah we're here for you I mean that's what friends are for right ?
L: yeah
( the twins let go of the hug but I kept hugging her cause she was hurt )
*A/N  the snap chat will be revealed later in the story*
H: Lily I Love You Just Know That Okay and I won't let anyone hurt you if they lay a hand on my princess they will get hurt majorly
( she nods her head up and down letting me know that she believes me )
H: alright guys we should head down stairs now
L: yeah we should get going
H: alright Leggo
( we all walk out of the twins room and get in the elevator and head to the lobby and when we get there we see that everyone else is there waiting for us and LILYS face is still red from crying and you could just tell that she was crying , we see Mario , Geo, and Weston)
W= Weston
G= Geo
M= Mario ( since LILYS mom died so now Mario is M)
M: hey Hunter is this the girl you brought up on stage
H: yeah and her name is lily thank you very much and she is going on tour with us
M: okay but why is she crying
M: umm no why
H: here look at my snapchat story the. I'll show you hers
M: umm ok
( he takes out his phone and he looks at my story and the I showed him LILYS story )
M: okay I don't see the problem
H: umm well someone likes her and when he saw her snapchay story he then snapchated her saying that ( I tell him what )
* A/N haha you thought I was going to tell you 💁😂😜*
( Mario hugs Lily and whispers something into her ear )
( Hunter tells Mario what happened because Mario was worried he comes up to me and hugs me )
M: we all are here for you don't worry Hunter is a great Boyfriend he will protect you trust me and the rest of us will protect you I promise ( he whispered in my ear)
L: thank you and I know he is a great boyfriend just thank you , you have no clue what that means to me
M: yeah I do have a clue but okay
L: thank you
( I say as he lets go of the hug)
C: alright everyone lets go
( before hand Christine called 3 ubers dive there was a lot of us and Christine was the only parent that came along, the ubers arrive and me Hunter Mario and Julian get in one Christine Ashton and Brandon get in another and jovani Geo and Weston get into the last one with the drivers taking us to the airport, since there was only three seats in the über Hunter and Julian say on the outsides near the doors and Mario sat in the middle while I sat on hunters Lap with my legs in Mario
( lily sat on hunters Lap and her legs where on my lap I didn't mind because I think I lien her but I wasn't going to interfere with her and Hunters relationship because they were cute together and plus Hunter is one of my best friends so I just kept my feelings to myself )
( I could tell that she was still upset about what you he said on snapchat )
H: let it out baby girl i know your holding it in ( I whispered in her ear )
L: fine ughh I can't believe he would say that I'm scared
(She said while she was turning putting a leg on each side of me and is looking face to face with my hands on her waist she leans in and cries on my shoulder with Mario and I rubbing her back and Julian just sitting there cause he couldn't reach😂)
H: it's okay baby  girl
M: yeah it's okay we're all here for you
J: yeah we're all here for you it's okay lilac
H: what kind of name is lilac😂
J: well lily is a type of flower and so is Lilac so mine a s well give her a name that no one else calls her so she has a unique name from me
H: that's actually a really smart idea
Uber driver: we're here
H; thank you here you go
( I handed him $15 that my momma gave me before we got in the uber , get all of our luggage out of the trunk and head into the airport with everyone and then we get crowded with fans then me and all of the boys push them away because I could tell Lily was getting really weird and really pale )
H: what's wrong
L: I .. Umm.. Need ... To... Tell. ... You... Something
H: okay tell me I need to know you don't look well
H:what's wrong
( I had to tell him what was wrong but I never told anyone before only my mom knew I was scared but I don't know why I was scared what was there to be scared of I have to tell )
L:I ...umm .... Need.... to .... Tell ... you ... Something
H:okay tell me I need to know you don't look well
L: we'll ever since I was little I have ...

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in like forever I'm really sorry but here you go and I'm sorry for the cliffhanger I'm actually not sorry but whatever I will try to update again but I don't know if that will happen but this one is longer it is 2026 words😜😫😍

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