Curtain Call

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"I'm gonna miss you guys." Thomas said as he finished packing his car. He was leaving for college in a couple of minutes and I honestly didn't think that this day would ever come. Reiner wasn't crashing or anything but you could tell he was biting back some things. Thomas walked to me and hesitated, but then he embraced me into a bone crushing hug, to which I returned full force. "Thanks for being the best dad ever."

"Thanks for being the best son ever." I said, trying to hide the fact that tears were brimming my eyes. "You gotta call us every chance you get, alright?" I said, sniffling a bit.

"I will, and hey don't cry. I'm not leaving forever. I'll be back for holidays and summer and you'll get tired of me after a while." He laughed, making me chuckle a bit too. He pulled away and I patted his shoulder. We both looked over to Reiner, who was just staring at Thomas' car. Thomas walked over to him.

"Don't get any girls pregnant before you're married young man, you hear me?" Reiner said, his voice weak and hoarse. "Come here." Reiner hugged Thomas so tight that I thought it would crush him, but Thomas hugged just as tight. "Alright you better get going so you get there on time."

"Right." Thomas went to his car and got in. He cranked his new car that we got him for graduation and rolled down his window. "Well, I guess I should be going." He said with a small smile.

"Be careful and call us when you get there." I said, making sure that he knew that I expected to hear from him.

"I will. I love you two. No matter what I will always love you guys." He said, making me smile and let a tear fall and I laughed at it. "Oh and by the way," he began. "I'm gay." And then he drove off, waving back at us as we watched the back of his car retreat.

"Called it." I said and walked back to the house.

"I can't believe we made a bet on our sons sexuality." Reiner laughed.
That memory was so clear for being nearly thirty years ago. Now I sat in the uncomfortable chair of a hospital room for the fifth time this month with Reiner. As we got older, Reiner's health slowly but surely deteriorated into something that couldn't even be considered as health.

They didn't know what was wrong with him, and I was glad we didn't for the sake of our five grandchildren that Thomas and his husband had given us. The kids were old enough to know that something was wrong because most of them were over the age of ten with the exception of this littlest one.

All this time in the hospital had taken its toll on me. There were bags under my old eyes and my hair had gotten whiter in that time. The steady beeping of the heart monitor had become a common sound for me lately and it was strange when I didn't hear it.

"Hey Bert," Reiner said weakly, causing me to look up from where I had my head on my arms while leaning on the bed. "I think we make a good couple."

"And I think you're a little out of it thanks to your medicine." I retorted tiredly. He laughed weakly. "Seriously though, if you hadn't already realized that we were a perfect couple then you need to reevaluate the past forty or so years of your life."

"I think I'm good. I couldn't have asked for anything better than this right here." He said with his eyes closed and a peaceful smile on his face.

"You mean that you would rather be here in a fucking hospital than at home or with your grandchildren?" I asked, trying to hide my amusement at his expression. I chuckled at him when he looked over at me with his tired eyes.

"You know that's not what I meant." He said, coughing at the end. "I mean that I couldn't have asked for a better life. If it hadn't been for what I've had, I wouldn't be a happy man."

"Am I included in that group of happiness?" I asked with a small, yet sad smile.

"You take up most of that group." He said, making me smile some more. I kissed his hand. "I've never had anyone make me as happy as you have made me."

"You say that all the time."

"It's probably because it's true." He said with a laugh. "No one's ever loved anyone as much as I love you."

"You took that from Twilight you shit." I said with a laugh and shake of my head. "But just to humor you," I began, seeing him smile a bit. "I think there is one exception to that." I sat up and kissed him on the cheek.

"Lay with me?" He asked and I obliged. He scooted over so there was room for me. I laid my head on his shoulder, like I did when we were alone and watching a movie or something like that. "You, are the most perfect thing in the world." He said into my hair. I looked up to him.

"You say that all the time too."

"And I'll say it however many times it takes in order for you to believe it." He said stroking my hair thoughtfully. "Sing that song you wrote for me." I blushed at that. Over forty years with him and he could still make me blush and my heart race.

"Okay." I said quietly. I took a deep breath. "The way you smile, it drives me wild. And the way you laugh, well it makes it hard to be mad and I don't wanna miss a thing." I was singing softly so it wouldn't disturb anyone. "The way that you look, and with the phone ringing off the hook I just want to, run, away. But then I think about all the times without a doubt of how you love me and I love you~"

Reiner's eyes were closed as I sang the words. "My heart races, from the traces, of your finger tips. And the way that you laugh, makes it hard to be mad and I don't wanna miss a thing. I don't wanna miss a thing." I smiled at the words. "And you tell me that I'm perfect but you can't see what I see. Because when I look at you, I see what you say that you see. And you say that you love me more than anyone in the world, but I know that I love you more."

"And the way you hold my heart in your hands," I slowed the words down for the dramatic ending. "So gently and loving, I couldn't ask for anyone else. Because the way you laugh, makes it hard to be mad and the way that I love you, makes me not want to miss a thing." He smiled as slowly closed his eyes as I looked into his dull blue sapphires.

Beep. Beep. Be-eeeeep.

I smiled and started to close my eyes as well. As my breathing slowed, I watched the love of my life lay lifeless right next to me on the hospital bed and at that moment I knew that I would never be alone in any life, no matter who I am.

Reiner will always be with me, in this life and any other. We bow out to this world for the last time.

Welp this story is now finished and I'm crying my face off. I went to Annicon yesterday so I didn't get this up so sorry. But! I went as Soul from Soul Eater and this other guy was dressed the same and I swear I'm in love with him but I don't have his last name or number so I cry. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this trilogy of ReiBert because I enjoyed writing it.


P.s. Message or comment if you have ideas for another story since I have no life. <3
Also that song is what I wrote so I'm sorry if it sucks

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