Not Cut Out for The Job

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It was about three in the god damn morning when the phone started ringing. I didn't answer it at first, figuring it was some prank call or something seeing as it was three in the morning. I figured they would call once and be done, but oh was I wrong. They kept calling and calling, eventually my cell phone started ringing. I groaned and blindly reached for the small device on my nightstand. I unplugged it from its charger and answered it without looking at the caller.

"Who the fuck is it and why the fuck are you calling at three in the morning?" I asked irritably.

"Bertolt thank god!" It was Armin and it sounded as if he was a bit panicked. "Bert is there any way you can get to the hospital in thirty minutes?!" He asked frantically. I sat up straight in the bed.

"I should be able to, why?" I got up and started putting some shoes on. I was already wearing some sweat pants so all I had to do was put a shirt and jacket on.

"Great! I need you to hurry! Annie's about to go into labor and she wants you here and I'm about to lose my mind I'm so worried I've never been in this situation and I don't know what to do-"

"Armin! Calm the fuck down. I'll be there I promise. Just breathe deep breaths in and out." I advised as I quickly wrote a note on the counter for Reiner. I ran outside after grabbing the keys to my car and cranked it. "Now what hospital?" I asked.

"Sina!" I told him I was leaving and I hung up. I drove the quickest I could without getting a ticket and thankfully there was little to no traffic at this time since most people were at home asleep. I got there in fifteen minutes and hurried up to the floor she was on. I seen Armin pacing frantically around in front of her door. He seen me and ran over to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the room.

"Bertolt thank god you're here." Annie said as Armin sat me down beside here. They had already gotten everything set up for her to push the baby out I guess, not that I knew anything about child birth.

"Do I have time to question why I'm here? I mean, I'm here for support but why did Armin walk out and let me sit here where he's supposed to be?"

"Because he's a pussy and I'd break his arm." I simply nodded and then shook my head, not really understanding how I would be of any help. "You remember how it felt when you got shot?" She asked breathlessly.

"Um sure?"

"Well imagine that times ten." She said and I shivered at the thought. I never wanted to go through child birth. I wouldn't even want to put a woman through that, but I guess as long as that's what they wanted, what could you do? She threw her head back and gritted her teeth. Just then a nurse came in with the Doctor.

"Alright ma'am, are you ready to start pushing?" The doctor asked, I recognized the doctor as Hanji, the child of the old couple that lived below us in our old apartment. "Oh hello Bertolt. This isn't your wife now is it?" She asked carefully, to which I shook my head.

"No, my friend outside can't handle child birth. I think he's freaking out more than she is honestly." I said, causing Hanji to cackle.

"Okay honey I need you to take deep breaths for me and push when I tell you too. Bert I'm going to need you to hold her hand for me okay?" I nodded and took Annie's hand, immediately feeling the grip of death. "Okay and push!"


"I never thought that would be that difficult." Annie said as she laid on the bed. She was physically drained though she wouldn't admit it. Then she looked over to the little girl that Armin was now holding and smiled softly. "But I guess it was worth it." I smiled at them. Hanji knocked on the door and peeked in.

"Bertolt honey do you need some more ice for your arms?" She asked quietly. I shook my head no. "I'll bring you some Tylenol then." And then she was gone.

"I can't believe you fractured my god damn hand." I said, still disbelieving it. I still remember feeling and hearing it crack.

"I really am sorry about that." She said and I shook my head. I wasn't mad, I found it quite funny actually. I expected Hanji to walk in when the door opened but I was surprised to see Reiner.

"Hey guys, sorry I wasn't here for the birth but I didn't even wake up." He said with a smile after looking at the baby in Armin's arms. Then he looked down to my fractured arm and my other arm that was bruised terribly. "Damn, what happened?"

"Labor is a bitch. Annie where's the other baby?" I asked. Yes they had twins and yes they were both blonde and blue eyed. They were going to take over the world one day.

"In her crib thing." I nodded and went to pick her up. I held her gently, since my big ass hands made her seem even smaller. Reiner came over and looked at her, smiling softly.

"We should've adopted another kid." He whispered and I nodded. "It would be hard on Thomas if we tried to get another one now. He would think we were replacing him." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

"As fun as it was raising a kid, I don't think we need another one." I said causing Reiner to laugh softly. "Besides we can't afford another kid. We have grandcats to look forward to." I said with a smirk. Reiner groaned.

"If that boy gives me only grandcats I will disown him." I shook my head at his empty threat.

"No you won't."

"I know."

Yay baby Annies that are totally not important btw did you catch "in Armin's arms"?

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