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Nastus P.O.V
I can't wait my sister is coming to fairytale. Well she's my adoptive sister we have different magicks though, she has moon and ice magicks. I think she's more powerful than Gray in ice magicks. Moon magicks is really complicated to me she can make things dark, light things up, and she talks to the moon. There's only three moon mages. The door opens and there she is. "(Y/N)" I shout

Your P.O.V
I walk on the door and I see Nastu. I smile and walk over to him. "Hey Nastu" I say. "Who's this" a girl with blonde hair says "This is my sister" Nastu says and everybodys mouth drops open. "What kind of magicks do you have?" A boy with raven black hair asks "Ice and moon magicks" I say he grins and he shoots ice at me I use an Ice shield to block it and shoot ice arrows at him and he pushes back to a wall. "Hahaha that's what you get. She's more powerful than you hahahahaha" Nastu says. I can tell that him and Nastu don't get along I'm suprised we did when we were younger. He gets up and tries to shoot ice at him but I block him. "Come on!" He shouts "I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you" I say after awhile I go to the quest bored and then a girl with red hair comes up. "Hi I'm Erza" she says "Hello" I say with a smile "So you going on a job so soon?" She says "Yeah but more and likely that wont happen because of well my brother wont let me" I say "He's over protective of me". The kid with ice magicks comes up "So your an ice user" he says I giggle because he has no clothes except for shorts "Gray your clothes" Erza says "What? OH MY GOD" he runs away "Hehehe is fariytale always like this?" I ask "Yeah pretty much" She says "Hey sis you want to join my team?" Nastu asks "Sure what quest do you want?" I ask "How about this one" it says

Lift a curse on Luna island
50,00 jewels reward

"This looks good". We head out and we go there. When we get there it looks creepy. "Who goes there?" Someone yells "Were from fairytale" we show them outlr marking. They let us in and we stop. "You need to help us we turn into monsters when the moon comes out" the lord of the village says. The moon comes out and it's purple. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" Nastu asks. Then everything went black.

Nastus P.O.V
"(Y/N)!" I shout then catch her. "What happened to her?" Gray asks "It must be the moon" Erza says "She has a connection with the moon so anything wrong with the moon she probably has some sort of side afect" she says. Her eyes flutter open "What happened?" She asks "You passed out because of the moon" Lucy says she gets up and looks at the moon "Moon drip" she says

Hi Im Y/n DragneelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin