7) I Don't Like To Be Kept Waiting

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Ft. Shell Cottage

Lily's POV

"Here Lies Dobby A Free Elf

They were the words Harry had carved onto the little elf's gravestone. The silver knife belonging to Bellatrix Lestrange had embedded itself in the tiny elf's stomach when she'd flung it across the room when he'd apparated us. Harry hadn't wanted to bury him using magic, so he, Ron and Draco had dug the grave while Fleur Weasley had tended to Hermione recovered and I found shells and stones to decorate the spot. We had landed at Shell Cottage, their home and one of the Orders safe-houses. 

The following day, after a well rested night being cared for by Bill and Fleur, I walked downstairs to find Hermione and Ron sitting at the table holding hands, Luna was at the door looking at the various wind chimes. "It's beautiful here." She commented. 

"It was our Aunts," Bill replied. "We used to come here as kids. The Order use it now as a safe house, what's left of us at least."

Harry walked up beside me, the first time I'd seen him all morning. "Morning Lil, will Draco be joining us?"

"Harry, I chose to betray my friends and family, I handled it. He didn't have to and yet he did, do you have any idea how he must be feeling? Just give him some time, okay?" I turned away from him and began to walk back upstairs, looking up to find Draco standing at the top of them. "Hey." I breathed.

He walked down and wrapped an arm around my waist before glancing at everyone looking at him. "Morning everyone."

Harry nodded, looking at me. "I think we should talk to Griphook."

The five of us trod up the stairs and into one of the four guest bedrooms. "How are you?" Harry asked when we walked in.

"Alive." Was the only reply.

"You probably don't remember that yo--"

"That I showed you to a vault the first time you came to Gringotts? Even amongst goblins, you are famous Harry and Lily Potter. You buried the elf?"

I nodded. "Yes."

I stepped up to the window and leant against the sill, Draco standing behind me and Harry came and leaned against the window next to me. Griphook pointed to the Gryffindor Sword, which was beside us. "How did you come by this sword?"

"It's complicated," Harry answered. "Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it was in her vault at Gringotts?"

"It's complicated." The goblin challenged.

I snarled, but Harry placed his hand on my arm. "The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steal it."

"There is a sword in Madame Lestrange's vault, identical to this one, but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer. The replica is very convincing, only a goblin would recognise that this is the true sword of Gryffindor."

"What other curious things lie in Madame Lestrange's vault?" I asked. The goblin drew in a breath and didn't say anything. I glanced at Harry and sighed. "We need to get into Gringotts, into her vault."

"It is impossible."

"Alone yes, but with you no." Harry shook his head.

"Why should I help you?"

"What is it that you want?"

Griphook pointed a finger at the sword. "That."

I glanced at the sword, then Harry, who was debating what to do next. "We'll think about it." He nodded and said farewell to the sneaky goblin as we walked out. Harry paused in the hallway, turning to me. "You think there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?"

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