Chapter one: Sharks and Seagulls

Start from the beginning

"Sh-sh-SHARKS!" Flounder darted in, quivering with fear. From then on he followed me inside the ship, he never left my side because I could totally protect us from sharks. Ha! If there were actually sharks here we'd both be dead.

Bubbles erupted suddenly from a small hole underneath me on the ship, and I'd be lying if I said it hadn't startled me. I looked down at the hole, and almost jumped out of my tail. For a moment I thought I saw the shine of a solid black eye, but that couldn't be right. I blinked and the eye was gone, "must've been your imagination Arian" I reassured myself quietly.

A sudden crash rang through my ears, dozens broken planks of wood flew through the water in all directions. I turned towards the frightening noise. "Shark!" Flounder screamed, and he was right to be terrified because in front of me stood, or rather flouted, an 18 foot great white shark. With more teeth than I could count, ready to tear me to shreds within seconds.

"Swim," I muttered before I turned into another room of the ship, the shark of course followed seeing as I was much bigger tastier prey than flounder. The room had a large glass window, which somehow managed to stay almost all the way intact over the years. An idea struck me, I swam in front of the glass and planted myself there. If I could get the shark to swing into the glass... It might be able to distract it long enough .for flounder and I to escape. Maybe it's wishful thinking but I had to try.

The shark bolted towards me, I didn't have much time. I counted to three, 1..... 2...... 3......... I swam upwards at the last moment, and the beastly fish crashed through the glass. Tiny shards of glass rained down to the ocean floor below me and the shark, dazed, confused and injured from the glass, fell to the floor with them. It wasn't dead, and it'd most likely be back up and ready to chase use at any minute now but I'd have a little time to gather myself before swimming away from the scene.

"Flounder!" I called for the little fish, and moments later he darted around the outside hull of the ship, and was by my side again. "Come on, let's get out of here before she comes to her senses."

"Back to the castle?" He asked hopefully.

"Are you kidding? With these new objects for my collection? No no you know where we're going," I replied. Flounder sighed and followed me as I darted off, out of the corner of my eye I could see the shark stirring. I swam faster.

It usually takes about half an hour to get to scuttle's Rock, but today we made it in twenty. I guess we were really in a hurry to get away from that shark. Scuttle was a small white seabird, a seagull or something like that, who knew anything and everything about human artifacts. If I wanted to find out what something was, scuttle was definitely the bird to go to. He was the absolute smartest creature I knew.

My head broke the surface of the water, the sent of salty sea air filled me. Why did I ever stay underwater? I swam up to the side of the lone reddish rock. Flounder popped his head out of the water. I propped my elbows up on the rock.

"Aye! Arian, flounder, why're you two so far away?" He shouted, he held a long circle tube with glass on each end, a telescope I believe it was called, up to his eye. He lowered it, "woah! how'd you get here so fast?" I let out a laugh. "Got anything I can identify for yah today kid?"

"Oh yes!" I replied excitedly as I emptied my bag unto mthe rock, the treasures from the ship spilling out. Scuttle, quite ironically, scuttled instantly over to the small trident.

"Oh yes yes very nice, very nice indeed," he muttered as he examined it closely.

"Well what is it?" My excitement was spilling over the edge, what could the object possibly do? What did it do?

"This my friend, is a dinglehopper. Humans use it to fix their hair. You just-" he inserts the prongs into a plum of feathers on the top of his head, "spin it like this-" he swirled and turned it, his feathers wrapping themselves around it, "and yank it out-" he then yanked the dinglehopper out of his feathers, "and wa-la a luscious full head-a hair!" His feathers stood straight up. I must admit he looked a little silly, humans sure have weird traditions.

"Wow... And-and what's this?" I could barely contain my excitement and held up the other object I had found inside the ruins of the ship.

"This, oh this is a snarfblatt," he began, "you see long ago humans used to just... Stare at each other all day, yah they did, it was very very boring. So one day a human invented this snarfblatt, and used it to make sweet sweet music," he continued. Then you preceded to blow into it as hard as he could, causing a mass of seaweed and sand to erupt from it. "Hmm, must be broken."

"Music... Oh no flounder the concert!" I grabbed my bag and new thing and dived back into the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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