Live Love Die -Chapter 1

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-3rd's Person POV-

She opened the letter and read what was inside. It read,

If your reading this I'm no longer with you. I'm in a better place now. A place where pain ceases to exist. You don't need to worry about me, I'll be okay. So have peace in your heart instead of agony. I will always be your Momma. And you'll always be my baby girl. So dont be sad. Just cause I'm gone doesn't mean the world is over. Stay on top of your grades as always ok sweetie :) . Your Dad and brother are waiting for you in London with wide arms and a warm home. Go to them and leave California as soon as possible. I wish for you the best my darling i will miss you but will be watching from above with all the angels waiting for you to come. Take your time dear, always know even when the clouds are gray and all seems lost just close your eyes and you'll see the me behind the pain and know there's a way. I love you Mira and i always will <3
Love,Mom :)

You have arrived at your destination please exit the plane in an orderly fashion:London

I looked up from the letter startled from the sudden voice. I sighed and folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope. I picked up my shoulder bag and grabbed my luggage.

I held on to the heart necklace that hung on my neck, there laid a picture of me and my mom. Now i was on my way to go to my dads house that was located in London . They got divorced before i was born. My mom had me alone but she never neglected me my father. When my father left to London he took my older brother with him ,Lucas. Ive met him a few times for i came to visit every year since i was 10. When i turned 16. I stopped cause my mother got sick so i stayed every year with her in the hospital. Its seemed like she was gonna make it but she suddenly dropped to the ground dead. I found the letter 1 month later and it wasn't until now around a year later I managed to gather enough money on my own to buy a ticket. I saved the money she inherited me for something really important like college or a house.

I haven't kept in contact with them for 9 years almost 10 in a few months as were my birthday is in a few days were ill turn 26. Still single, still a virgin and never had a first kiss. The only time a boy held my hand was my brother when i was 12 because I almost got ran over for not looking both sides before crossing the streets. After that he never let me because he said i was still a child. He was only 3 years older than me.

After that incident i never forget to look both ways before crossing. I picked up my phone and dialed the number they gave from 9 years ago to stay in contact. I awaited for the other end to pick up not really expecting much. But then what surprised me was that someone picked up.The voice of a masculine man could be heard on the other side of the line.

"Hello?" ,he asked.

Still in shock they answered and i didn't respond. But another 'Hello'. Woke me up from my trance and I responded quickly.

" Ah yes I'm sorry um is this the Anderson Residence ? Im looking for Lucas Anderson, I'm his sister Mira Lou Chan. Is he around?"

He stayed silent for a moment then spoke up.

"Ah of course I'm sorry. Mira how you been? Hows Mom?"

I feel silent and the memory of our deceased mother. He didn't know yet, i kept it a secret to not cause more grief but its time for them to now.

"Lucas", i started looking down at my feet as the cold breeze hit my face, " Moms dead"

He stayed quiet for a long time until i spoke up.

" Lucas?"

Suddenly I heard him whisper in a pained voice "Meet me in the same house we played at when we were younger near the cat shelter and community park -with the bird fountain" i finished for him.

" Ill meet you there in 10 minutes " he ended.

" Meet you there,Bye Luca"

"Bye Mimi" he ended the call and i looked up at the sky as fresh tears rolled down my cold face.

" Oh mom. I miss you so much" i whispered towards the dark blue skies above.

No Mira did NOT come from Mirajane from ft!! This is not a FT Fanfic!!

In any other words I decided to edit this story cause the original plot was a bit shaky and not as relatable. This story is based on a true story but added twists here and there. Locations were changed as well as the gender of the main character. The time is around accurate but its been so long i might be off by a number or two. Everything else is true with real life experiences. To make it more interesting I'm including my point of you mixed with his to make one whole story.Thats all for now bye my Butterfly's

Any Questions that didn't get answered that you may have or just thoughts go down in the comments but for anything personal or so a request please Pm for a faster response :) thank you next chapter will be much longer and updated soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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