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Born to Philip IV back in the mid 1500's, Margarete von Waldeck was cursed by an evil witch during her christening. Growing up, she suffered the curse that was brought upon her, her family and her kingdom. She died at an early age and was reborned into another human form during the mid 1700's as Maria Sophia Margaretha Catharina von Erthal. Her destiny was twined to be repeated over and over again as a tragedy. And for centuries, she suffered the same pain and agony. Now, once again resurrected as Jasmine White, will she finally be able to break the curse that held her captive for years or will she forever live with it for the rest of eternity?

Note from the author:

          Greetings to all my dear readers! 

I want to inform all of you that I'm planning on making this novel a trilogy. Well, it would surely take a lot of time and strength to make it but with all your kind votes and motivating comments, I am encouraged to do it. Please do vote for it so that I will get more inspired in making this story a success. I have my passion solely in writing and I am also sharing my talent to other people aside from Wattpad. I do believe that books are doors not to escape reality but to make us love the beauty our world has. It is to make us realize that no matter how hard life is, it's still a beautiful cycle that makes all of us strong. I want people to realize that and see the beauty that I am talking about. 

Please vote for this book, this passion, and this beauty. And I'll assure you that I'll do the same to yours. Thank you very much and another thanks in advance.

                                                                                                                                                                                Have a Nice day!

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