Chapter 11 Fredbear Joins The Game

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So keep your eyes on all your toys
'Cause some don't look the same
Your chance to act is short enough to turn your mind insane

Plushtrap's P.O.V

Being small can have its perks. You're able to squeeze through tight spaces, stalk on people without them noticing, and even run faster. And for what I was doing now, running fast certainly helped. I found myself scampering in darkness. Getting to this place was a secret to the ones who weren't nightmares, but to the ones that were, this was pretty much our headquarters. Well, our headquarters, but Fredbear's home. Since I'm the messenger, I come here every so often to inform Fredbear about what goes on during the nights. And tonight, I had a very important message to deliver.

Zooming past the white, circular lights that were installed in the floor, the only source of light in the pitch black void, I saw the red light orbs in the far distance. You'd think this place came out of a dream or something. It was so fantasy like, but yet so real to us. Only we could enter this dimension. I'd tell ya how to get there but it's top secret.

I got closer to the red light orbs. Each one resembled the fear a child of Nightmare's choice has. One of them was surely Jack's. For some reason I couldn't get his words out of my mind. He has suffered but...but I can't back out from the boss' orders. I can't be thrown in exile like Goldmare had. Then again, I can't help but get this strange feeling every time o think of the kid. It's like as if I really want to help him, be on his side, help him over come all of this.

Either I got affected by Goldmare or I'm turning soft.

I stood at the bottom of the black steps that lead to where Fredbear normally stands. They seemed invisible sense they were the same black color as everything else. I looked up at his platform. "Hey, Fredbear! I got some news for ya." Nothing. I raised a fake eyebrow. Normally he'd always answer. "Uh...Fredbear?"

The lack of reaction started to tick me off. I was never the type to have this so called patience. From behind me I heard the red light orbs laughing at me with a faint and echoey voice. I looked over my shoulder and glared at them. "Yeah, yeah, shut up ya inanimate objects!"

A flash of dull yellow shone behind me. I turned my head to view Fredbear. He was examining his thick metal finger structures. "The inanimate calling them inanimate objects." His cold eyes pierced into mine, his eyelids giving me an irritated expression. "Talk about the pot calling the kettle black." My small form stiffened a bit. I always felt nervous in Fredbear's presence. It was even worse in Nightmare's. Good thing he wasn't here.

Fredbear made a disapproving click with his voice box. I stood there and stared at him. All I could think about was Jack. "My dad, my mom, even my beloved sister, Chloe. They're all gone! And you complaining about Goldmare leaving you? At least she's still around! You can talk to her and see her anytime you chose. I can't do that with my family!" The poor kid. If only he knew the truth. If only I could tell him. Better yet if she could tell him. He wouldn't be in this much pain.

"Ahem." Fredbear said annoyed, breaking my thoughts. "You are wasting my time here. What news do you have for me?" Three red light orbs floated over Fredbear's shoulder. Great, way to put pressure on me.

"R-right, sir. I was about to tell you that-"

"It better be something good. Positive news is the best news. And you better have gotten all information. Everything to the single last detail. You're lucky enough you're useful to me. For all you know I could be leaving you to sit on top of a high shelf like some free loader."

"Freeeee loader! Freeeee loader!" Echoed the red orbs. They danced on the air. "Uuuuuseless bunny! Uuuuuseless bunny!"

I grunted in anger. "Fredbear will you please inform these little freaks that I am a RABBIT. There's a difference you kn-"

"I don't want to here your pathetic speech about the difference between rabbits and bunnies! Just give me the god damn news and be done with it!"

I started talking fast. "Freddy and the others are still trying to capture Jack. Goldmare revealed herself to him and now she's protecting him from everyone. I was able to sneak into the bedroom once, sir. But I got caught! Goldmare still hasn't spilled her secret yet to Jack and I'm pretty sure she's going to keep it that way. As for the older one, he is still useless for us. But I do see him as a threat, sir. He causes fear to Jack and that's our job to do. Err, your job, sir."

Fredbear scoffed and folded his arms. "Blast that bear and her do-good ways. I'm surprised she hasn't told him who she really is. I mean, you'd think she'd try to hint at it or something."

"Hiiint at it! Hiiint at it!" Sang the three red orbs.

"I know, sir. Do you think she's planning on telling him in the future? Personally I know she won't give up on protecting Jack so the others really don't stand a chance."

"That's true, rabbit. That's true." He turned away to stare at the pitch black...wall? I really don't know what to call it. It's a void, what can I say? "We all know Goldmare is very strong. Her bad side comes out and things start to get chaotic. I guess it's time for me to make my appearance and kill the child already."

I gulped. I had a bad feeling this would happen. Now I also feel guilty. Wait, what am I saying? Focus, Plushtrap! Don't go soft! Don't follow the same footsteps as Goldmare.

"Oh, Goldmare, what have you done?" Fredbear grinned, showing a set of sharp, pearl white teeth.

"Or should I say Chloe Prower?"

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