Chapter 6 An Act Of Kindness Can Sometimes Hurt

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Forced down to reckoning
Your dreams become the sickening
You thought you were alone
No, they bite you to the bone
You shout...

Jack's P.O.V

They surrounded me. . .

Fangs bared and claws out. . .

Worst thing is. . .

She's part of them. . .

I awoken from my peaceful slumber as something shined into my eyes. Placing my arm on my forehead to shield my eyes from the brightness, I looked straight ahead. It was sunny. A ray of sunshine beamed through my window. Small specks of dusk were visible in the light. They danced and floated through the air. I sat up and stretched. I had fallen asleep sometime after my alarm clock beeped—alerting me it was 6 AM. As of Goldmare, well, she vanished. . .at least I think. I couldn't really tell since she put her top hat on me and it covered my eyes. Her top hat was placed on the end of my bed. Goldmare lied on the floor in her plush form a few feet away from me. "G-Goldmare?" I called out her name. No answer.

I tossed the white, dark blue, and orange covers off of me and got up. Stooping down, my hand scooped her up and pulled her close to me. Her black bead eye stared into mine. I'm only capable of vision and thought, I remembered her say to me last night. "Goldmare?" I asked again. Can she hear me?

I waited for a response for awhile. A car driving fast down my street was the only thing I heard. Minutes had passed and still nothing happened. She didn't transform into her human form like I thought she would. Her plush shell seemed to be her one and only life source. Sighing, I gave up and sat her down on my bed. Maybe she was really never there. I could have just been asleep when Goldmare introduced me to herself. My mind's been messed up lately so maybe I only imagined someone like that; someone so considerate and protective—the things Goldmare were.

"Time to face facts," I uttered to myself, "she was nothing but fiction. Someone I created with my imagination. An imaginary friend." My hands gripped the small knobs on my closet door. I pushed the door open. Foxy, who was a plush at the time, sat under the rack of clothes. Only thing is, his head was missing. Particles of white, fluffy cotton hung on his crimson fur and scattered about on the carpet. My eyes widened. Who did this?

"Irony—that's what it is."

That voice. . .it sound just like-

I turned around quickly. Goldmare stood behind me in the same clothes as last night. She was equipped with a black cane and used it to hold herself up. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her. Although her appearance could still be in my mind, I chose to believe she was there. She was real.

"Now what was it that you called me? Imaginary?" She said and examined her claws. Her eyes then averted back to me, "I got ears, you know and I know how they work. Don't think just because I'm locked in a cotton cell means that I can't hear what you say about me." Then she playfully poked my chest with the end of her cane. "I have ways of dealing with smack talkers, you know."

I laughed at her playful statement. A smile spread on my face. No, a smirk did. "How do you deal with them? Make them throw you a tea party until they beg for mercy?"

I started to laugh again. Goldmare let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Ha ha, very funny." She said unamused. Then she muttered something about a little nuisance under her breath. She walked beside me and looked down at the headless Foxy. Goldmare poked him with her cane as if testing to see if he was alive. Foxy's body fell over with the tap.

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