Chapter 11

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It's been two week since me and Harry have said I love you, and we have said a lot after that. Tonight me and Harry are going on  a double date with Marisol and Conner. His sister comes tomorrow and I finally get to meet her, she sounds nice.Niall and Monique are still in Ireland, Niall has a nephew and he adores him, Monique sent us a picture, the baby is adorable. Nicol and Matt have been on a couple more dates but nothing serious...yet. Marisol decided she going to do our hair and well we both decide not to wear make up since Conner and Harry say we look better with out it. Marisol curls her hair then puts a bow in it, and mine is in a side braid. Marisol is wearing black pants with a white tank top with a necklace with feathers, a globe and a stone that looks like a heart, her shoes are red high heels. I wear a white strapless dress, with a denim vest and a necklace with an owl charm on it with brown sandals. 

''You look gorgeous." Marisol says when I walk out of my bed room. 

"So do you." I say she does wow it's sad she  doesn't see, Monique doesn't see how pretty she is either, Cheyenne also. My stupid friends need to see that they are beautiful. I'm gonna shank them in their sleep. 

The door rings. "Their here!" Marisol says running to go get the door. 

I walk to the living room to see, Conner is dress in a plain red tank top and tan jeans with a black snap back, Then my eyes land on Harry and boy does he look sexy he is wearing black jeans a white tank top that has the British flag on it he is wearing a brown leather bracelet and a black beanie. 

He see me "Hi babe." he say coming up and kissing me. 

"Hi handsome." I say 

He smile, as that cute dimple making an appearance. As we walked to the car Harry lean into my ear and whisper.

"You look sexy." With a smirk on his face.

I roll me eyes and blush. But I decide to flirt back so I pinch his butt then get into the car.  When Harry gets in he get's close to my ear and whispers 

"Someone feisty today." 

I just roll my eyes. We get to the pizza polar and all sit down, a waiter comes and ask for our drinks, while he looks at me he winks causing Harry to but his arm around me in the booth and pull me closer while shooting the guy a death glare. 

"OH the waiter liked Lauren." Marisol teases. 

I roll my eyes. 

"Yeah but Harry going to punch the waiter." Conner pointed out Harry clenched fist. 

"Harry it's okay calm down." I say 

Harry turns and gives me a smile "I'm fine don't worry I'm not going to hurt him, just seeing any guy look at you the way I do makes me want too. I'm sorry it's just I love you and I don't want anyone else to have you." He say 

I think it's super sweet how protective he is. I love Harry he shouldn't worry that I'm going to even think about another guy. I don't want he is doing to me but I've never felt this way before. 

"Aw" Marisol says 

i just laugh "I love you too." I say before kissing him. 

"Hey no PDA." Conner says using his straw to shoot spit balls. 

"What was that for?" Harry ask 

"For the ice down my shirt." Conner says 

"Boys are idiots." Marisol states.

"Oh this is war." Harry says. 

"Your on." Conner says 

But before this can go further I yell "Pizza." And both boys stop because they love pizza. After we eat Marisol and Conner decide to go for frozen yogurt and me and Harry are tired of being vlog since they both vlog, stupid yoututbers. So we go back to Harry place. We are lying on his bed just talking. Some how the dessucsion got to what we want in the future.

"I don't know what I want, I never thought I be a model but now here I am, I'm just not in to all the fashion and make up. But I'm still going to be going to school but other then that I have no idea." I tell Harry 

I'm wrapped in his arm as we lye down on his bed, He kisses my nose and smiles. 

"You have time, your only in your second year of collage." He says 

"You?" I ask 

"I guess just running the bakery but I hope that your in my future." He says 

I smile, look down and blush. He puts his hand under my chin so I can look at him. 

"Your so cheesy but sweet." I tell him 

He smiles and leans in for a kiss, the kiss is passionate, and becomes more heated. I don't know how long we kiss but soon Harry is on top of me and I'm taking off his shirt. While he goes to take of my shirt. Anne walks in 

"Harry I..." Then she see. 

"oh." She saying covering her eyes "I'm sorry. Um Harry I'll be in the living room." 

Harry get's off of me and says "I'm so sorry I didn't think she would stop by. I knew I would regret giving her a key to my place." He say putting his shirt back on. 

"it's OK." i say 

"I should go talk to her but it's late just go to sleep and I'll take you home in the morning." He says kissing me

"Ok." I say climbing under the covers. 

"Good night love you." He says. 

"Love you too." I say before he walks out the door. 

I can't believe what me and Harry almost did, and I wanted to. as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm asleep. 

A/N sorry for the awful chapter. Haha Harry got cocked blocked. 

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